Hello Connie- Guess what, you couldn't find it because I forgot to post it-SORRY!!!!
Mint Chocolate Cheesecake
1 Package s/f double fudge dipped mint Murrays Cookies-crushed
2 philly cream cheese fat-free boxes
1 tub cool-whip lite or s/f
2 boxes Jello pudding s/f cheesecake flavored
Put crushed cookies on bottom of pan, in mixing bowl whip together the cream cheese and the cool-whip, then add the jello mix as well as the milk required for the pudding, mix together then pour mixture over cookies, save some cookie crumbs to garnish if desired!
I also use this same mixture but instead of the mint cookies use the fudge dipped s/f graham cookies-Murray's also and top with lite cherries
or you can use the s/f oreos too!
Hope everyone enjoys! Those that tried it at the exchange liked it!
For those that were not there these mint cookies look and taste just like Girl Scout mint cookies. Unbelievable and s/f! YUM YUM!!!!