new update on ed
prayers are being sent for Ed.
where do they think the aneurysm is? my dad had an abdominal aneurysm and they have some new technique (this was about 5 years ago) and they went in through the groin and put in a custom made graft. Dad was the first to have it in Indiana. It is amazing. he went to St. V. on 86th St.
dads was kinda low and they thought it had been there for a while. also did you know that abdominal aneurysms are heriditary? I got screened after i found that out.
Keep us posted on his condition, prayers are going out from Southern Indiana.
OMGoodness... So sorry... tell Ed the prayer warriers are in place and that he is in good hands.
TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!! So many of us forget to take care of ourselves when trouble comes to our loved ones we tend to forget our needs.. PROTIEN!! keep up your strength and dont forget your vitamins!!