Maybe Not So Good
I also look in the mirror and see the same person I used to be.. I was walking into church last night and saw the reflection and saw the same person I used to be.. But someone has switched all the tags in my clothes and they say 16 instead of 26.. I honestly think it is an image thing and one we must learn to deal with.. We dont see ourselves like others see us...
DARN girl we are SO MUCH HEALTHIER than we were 6 months ago.. a year ago for me... Eyes on the goal and I know we just have to start accepoting the new us and start getting rid of the old image...
I remember meeting you for the 1st time at the dinner and dance outing, you were so ready to begin your journey and get moving again. Well you have done it, you have accomplished this and so much more! Don't worry about the chart, 100 lbs. gone forever is all you need to see on your chart in your head, it is amazing how far we have come and what this journey brings for each one of us. I agree take time to smell those beautiful flowers and reward yourself for the accomplishments that you have achieved thus far. You have so many more headed your way, look forward to the new moments, just don't forget the past ones. Each of our journeys are unique in there own ways, just remember where we came from and enjoy the successes ! Hope to see ya saturday, keep your chin up! Hugz Dawn
What chart?? The only chart I go by is the one I keep on my own personal weight loss because my own personal journey is the one that matters to me.
I think it probably takes the longest for our brains to catch up to the weight loss. Before we went to Vegas, I went to Fashion Bug & tried on & fit into (and therefore, bought) and pair of size 8 shorts. I'm sitting here in size 10 jeans. I don't see it. I don't see how I can possibly fit into these clothes. I look down and I see rolls. Maybe I'll feel & think differently after I can fonally have my plastics, but for now, I see rolls everywhere. It doesn't matter that it's skin. In my mind's eye, it is still rolls just like it was when it was rolls of fat. I fight not to let it discourage me when the scales don't move. Your scales are moving! As long as they are moving and/OR your clothing size keeps decreasing, you are making progress! Remember that girl! You are doing fantastic!!
Darrah you are the farthest thing from a failure! You have lost 100 pounds in 4-5 Months! Could you have done that before surgery? You are a total sucess! Like Sherri said below, this is a personal journey and while some places post guidelines etc., only you can measure your success personally! The chart does't know about you putting on your husband's shorts! They don't measure those things. You have many sucesses so don't let a chart make you feel like a failure!! I can only hope I am doing as well as you when I am post op!
100 lbs is remarkable.. Just think about before surgery how hard it was to lose 10 lbs!! You should be really really proud of yourself!! If you think back to before surgery and how hard it was to walk or move,, and now how much easier and healthy you have to feel that what really matters!!!
Charts are silly,, throw it away.. Nobody does the same thing,, our bodies are soo different. Hang in there and try to remember back to win you were pre-op weight, and bask in the wonderfulness of being skinner.. I know I can't wait for that feeling!!!!
I know what you mean about looking in the mirror. Like everyone else has said, it is just a mind thing. I'm having a little more luck getting a real look at myself now and this is how I did it: I started looking at specific body parts (my first goal was to see a jaw line, but it has taken a while). The first place I was able to notice a difference was, of all places, my forearms (elbow to wrist). I happened to catch site of one and realized it didn't look as big as it used to. Frankly, it caught me by surprise because I kept looking in the mirror and not seeing any difference. Once I got used to the idea that my forearm looked smaller, I started looking at other parts to see if I could tell a difference. Gradually, I started noticing that my reflection in the mirror started looking smaller too. I think the only reason I was able to see that, was because I got used to noticing different parts first. So try taking a look at different parts of your body. Let yourself notice small changes and the bigger ones will come as your mind adjusts.
No one is perfect, it is the journey that counts most of all, not the destination. And remember, a good journey lasts a lifetime.