LoCarb Marketplace - INDY Going out of business! SALE!
I don't know how many of you all have visited LoCarb Marketplace on E 96st Street, but I received an email that they are going out of business!
But.. the are passing HUGE savings on to their customers.. HUGE! For examples, I purchased 2 3lb Isopure protein mix for 12.99 EACH! These are regular priced around $50.
The lady who was working today said she wasn't positive LoCarb in Indy was closing until they sent out pricing for their decorations! So, they have fake plants, baskets, etc for sale also.
Anywhoo... I bought so much stuff and saved a ton! If you want me to forward their email just ask... or email me!
Their last day is July 8th and they will be closed on July 4th.
Just wanted to make sure everyone got this info!