Waiting for the big "D" (not divorce either)
My pre-determination papers were faxed to the ins. company on 5-26-06. As of today I still have not received any written notice from them. I called two days ago and asked about the pre-approval. The woman on the other end said that there was a denial letter sent out on 5-31-06. I replied oh and why was it denied, she said that they will not cover anything to do with weightloss. I said yes I know but it also states that it will cover for Morbid Obesity ( and I am classified as a SUPER morbid) if medically necessaary, with cormorbidities. Those I do have and they have been documented. I will be calling them again today to find out what is going on. I hate this waiting game. If only I would receive my letter in the mail then I would know what type of denial I would be fighting.