Sorry I if off offened anyone
I learned something yesterday. That using caps on a word meant you were angry
and wanted to make a point. I am so upset, because i cap words that I wanted to be special. I had know idea that I could be hurting someone. That would never be my intent. I have sent may e-mails, e-cards and post where I used caps or put caps in for special words. I hope and pray I did'nt offened anyone. I think maybe i should not post anything till I learn more computor skills. I have only been using the computor for personal use for about a year so I am dumb when in come to knowing how to do certain things. Like adding the message emtions ,thanks to Sherri, I now know.
I hope I didn't upset or hurt anyones feelings, I would never ever do that.
I am sorry, Gail
Don't worry, I DID THAT TOO!!!! lol- I didn't realize until someone emailed me privately to let me know I was screaming at them, and again that was not my intent. I was doing that to emphasize happiness or being excited, I just feel like sometimes people take things just a bit too serious, but anyhow, please don't not respond or post, we are all here for help and support, not only for wls, obviously for computers, too!! You are an inspiration to others with your support and encouragement to others, please stay tuned!
Hope this helps, and know that you are not alone, I also had to ask for help with the emoticons,ssssoooo--
omg, I can't believe no one told me that before. Thanks for sharing, the info. I have been yelling at people tons!!!! I'm also so sorry to anyone that may have miss understood me.
btw, how have you been these past few day's? I hope you are staying dry and well. No more falls I hope. Thanks for all the support you have been giving out. Your profile page looks great, I finnally got a picture on mine. Now that I know how I need to spend some time posting some info. I just wish I could figure out how you all got you pictures to come up beside your postings on the board.
Take care & God Bless,
Hey Gail,
Relax, take a deep breath. I have never been offended by YOU! You have ALWAYS been encouraging to me. Caps are supposed to mean yelling but I think that should be if you are typing the whole email not just words that you are putting special emphasis on. Dont sweat the small stuff. Some folks just like to be the internet police.
Thanks, Dawn,Carmen, Dan and Christine,
You all are the best !! Because I would never want to hurt anyone on purpose. That is just not who I am. I so happy i could/am crying for your support. I just am not to computor smart. But, I am learning everyday. This the 1st site I ever emailed or posted anything.
Dawn, thanks for the forwards. I enjoy them.
Carmen, thats for the supportive emails and I have been blessed no real huntful falls.
Dan, thanks for always posting on my posts and I did have a great time yesterday,and very greatful for having you on my side,
Christine, thanks for caring too and your mom,sister and you all look so much alike.
Blessing and love to all, Gail (aka) Gayle
OMG!!! I can not believe someone would actually take the ALL CAPS serious!!! I FAT FINger and type so fast sometimes that I accidently hit the cap button and am to lazy to go back and retype everything!!! I have a friend who goes back in her emails and darkens all the special words she wants to make bold..
Things that offend me:
Tons of fun (people who get paid to show off their rolls)
Any jokes that down or make fun of GOD
People who abuse children
People who hurt other people just to make themselves look smarter.
IF THEY WERE PICKING ON YOU THEY WERE LEAVING SOMEONE ELSE ALONE!! We have to much to worry about now like actually getting enough protien then to worry about the way we type...Dont worry about it... life is to short...
I have problems reading messages that are completely in caps..but then, same holds true for those with no caps or no punctuation. For me, it's not an 'offended' thing...just a limitation on my capabilities to register all typed words that appear the same. It's about on the same level for me as trying to listen to someone give a speach that is monotone.
But get offended over all caps??? Some people need to GET A LIFE! Life's too short to get upset over a 'caps lock' key being stuck on!
And sweetie, do NOT stop posting just because you had an all caps phrase somewhere. Like most everything else in life, there is an etiquite to posting..but you learn those by doing it. And you know the saying 'practice makes perfect'. It's just like the acronyms used online. Some still throw me (after being online for ~8 years) and I have to really scratch my head and ponder to figure out what the heck they mean. It took me a long time to figure out ROFLMAO. LOL! You'll get the hang of it. And you know what? EVERYONE on here...or on any other message board, was a newbie at some point and had to learn that THIS MEANT YOU WERE SCREAMING. So...just EMPHASIZE when you want...and SCREAM IF YOU MEAN IT TO BE SCREAMING...and don't if you don't. No biggie.
Hmmm...things that are offensive to me....
People telling me how I feel or think...or people asking me how I feel or what I think then procede in telling me that how I feel or think is WRONG.
Jokes that equate obesity with laziness.
Slurs against nationalities, gender, size, sexual preferences.
People shoving their beliefs down my throat.
Hmm....I didn't see SCREAMING in there anywhere! LOL!
Dear Sherri,
Thank you, too, for sharing. You are the kind person who showed me how to add
to my post. I was so dumb I thought LOL meant Lots of Love. Those I emailed must have thought I was a real nut . Oh well, I am living and learning. And hopefully never hurting anyone on the way. Thanks, again for all your help and added support
I will post again. Blessings, Gail