YAY 1st Post-op appt....
Yeah!!! What a way to start! And that is all you have done. If you are like me, you won't be able to imagine the terrific lows you are going to achieve! I'm 8 weeks out and down 40.1 lbs. Before surgery, I thought: If I can just get down into a size 16 again. Now, I'm beginning to think I might be able to get into size 12's someday!
Keep up the great work.
Congratulations, Juila! I'm a little jealous... I am ten days post op and doing fine, but I didn't have a drain (somehow got lucky there) and so I don't get to go bac****il June 19. It's hard to gage the weight loss progress on a different scale. I've thought of just dropping by St. V's Bariatric Unit just to see if they'll let me weigh in!
I hope I'm doing as well as you are! Congratulations again!