Good Morning to All TGIF !!
Good morning to all, I hope the weather is nice and sunny for this Memorial day week-end. Those going out of town have a safe trip. And for those staying home I hope you have fun. Memorial Day was a big deal visiting family,cook-outs, and older members of the family telling stories on why Memorial Day was so important to them. I miss those days. When I was younger it seemed like families shared more life stories on a special day like Memorial Day. God Bless, Gayle
Morning..........i have a bro and his wife coming in from CO. tonight until monday morning...have a cook out planned for tomorrow and i have some cooking and dishes to get made up...having chicken, hot dogs and hamburgers....i am making, tater salad, mac salad, skettie salad, deviled eggs, some mini cup cakes, and oh yeah the sugar free thingy with the cottage cheese...oh yeah..yum yum eating will be going on here....
I have my air on......this house is like an upstairs since it is a bi-level....
good morning. All is going well here up north. Looking forward to a nice long weekend. this is the best weather forcast we have had for Memorial day weekend that I can remember in years. Tomorrow we will put the pier and paddle boat into the pond. We never got it in last year. We are hosting a potluck picnic on Monday for the families in my office. Cooking a pork loin on the grill, fishing, volley ball, softball. Just plain relaxing. What a great weekend to look forward to. Hope you all have a nice weekend also!
Good morning everyone!
I am so glad this week is about done! I've been so busy here at work! I think I'll be able to leave here around noon though to start my long weekend early. YEAH! I wish Bill would decide for us to go out of town for the weekend, but I doubt he will. So...guess I'll be spending my time cooking, cleaning, and doing stuff I don't want to do. Yep...just a 'little' frustrated at the moment. Ah well, this is life and it too, shall pass.
You all have a terrific Friday!
Good Morning Everyone!
Darrah, glad to here that you made it to KC with no problems. Nothing going on with me this weekend. Just the usual cleaning and stuff. Well since I missed school all week I guess I will be catching up on my school work, yahooo! Looks like it is going to be great weather everyone enjoy and be safe!
Good morning all I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend. I know I will be working all weekend. That just stinks. I have family that will be down for the weekend that I have not seen for a while and I have to work. Oh well that is part of it I guess. Hope you all enjoy the day and the weekend.
Hello hello all! Had a long night last night with the storms, my sinuses acting up, etc. Since I worked 3 hours overtime yesterday, I decided to sleep in this morning. Unfortunately the the dog didn't think I should...Anywho, work is busy but I am looking forward to a nice long weekend of R&R. Hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend!!