Fort Wayne WLS Family PIcnic 2006
Once again, I will be putting on the Fort Wayne WLS Family Picnic.
Date: Saturday, May 20th.
Time: 11:00 am - ????????
Location: Parkview North Park Pavilion
Parkview Plaza Drive
I-69 North, Exit 116, east on Dupont Road to the first
stop light, then turn left.
Please bring a covered dish to share with everyone, I will provide
all the meat for the grill. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Brats, and
All the plates, napkins, and silverware will be provided, as well.
This picnic is open to EVERYONE. Beginners, pre-op's, post-ops and
all of their families and their friends.
This picnic is also for all bariatric groups, no matter where or who
did your sugery.
Please spread the word to all groups and members, everyone is
I won't be coming up for your picnic (got a wedding to go to that day) and it looks like I'll be just having foot surgery before the WLSIndy one, so not planning on that one either. I think it's fantastic how you drive down here for the activities here in Indy. I hope you get a really good turn-out up there.
Just really wanted just to say hi and let you know that I hope you all have a terrific time with wonderful weather!