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Holy cats that fog is something else. Metra had just passed by when I was riding up to the RR Xng and I looked down to the station (1 block away) I could not see the tail lights for the train.
Good day here to do some online training - not much work.
What's happening in your corner of IL?
Open RNY May 7
Hi Sharon and the rest of Illinois!
I am doing pretty well. I finally found a car, I bought a 2008 Prius! I hope it is as good as it looked. I like it and I seem to have gotten it at a pretty fair price. Turns out, I did not need Todd to sign the papers to purchase it. He is a little mad about that. I think he feels that he is losing more control over me. I am growing in many ways and I think he is afraid of being left behind. I love him and have spent a very big part of my life with him. I will not leave him behind unless he forces that choice.
The job is interesting......I have been doing lots and lots of physical labor getting the Garden Center ready. I am looking at it that they are paying me to exercise. This week, everyone's hours were cut (I got 15) in anticipation of the Grand Opening and weeks after where we will be crazy busy. It is the "calm before the storm". I am OK with it.
I get to pick Liv up from O'Hare on Thursday! I am excited for her to be home. I have invited her friends over on Friday night for a birthday/welcome home/game night/bonfire/get-together. I hope a few can show up for her.
That's about it for me. I hope you are all doing well!
Hello everyone
I made myself tired last night packing. I packed most of the evening and cleaned as I packed and did laundry. I pooped out at 9. I got most of the kitchen packed. So we will be eating on paper plates and not doing a whole lot of cooking.
Tonight I want to get the bathroom and closets packed.
I get over anxious and worry it's not going to get done in time. That's how I am every time. But it's not like I will run out of time. We have till the end of the month to get out of here. But we get the keys to our new place sooner and I want out of here ASAP!!!
We are having a Cinco De Mayo celebration at work...and I sorta cheated. I had 2 churros. They were yummy. And I am sure more calories than I consume in breakfast and lunch on a normal day. Oh well.
It has been raining and raining here. Blah. And it will be raining probably when we move. Blah.
Nancy- it is nice to hear from you. Even if it's not good news. You will get past this obstacle at work.
Well time to get back to work. Have a sunshiny day...or try.
The sun is trying to peek out, I hope she does, I want to go get the rest of the plants this morning. Plus pay our sewer bills.
I agree, Morgan has been running our life for almost 17 years. Whenever she has anything, we attend. Regardless when it is.
Nancy, Everything will eventually work out.
In a perfect world none of us would be working.
Karla, when are you going to buy a condo up here?
Have a great day, and stay dry.
Hi Dear ones,
I am about to go to work, but wanted to stop by before i left.
Nancy, I know this pressure of having to relearn something on a archaic system........but time will make it easier and you will be awesome. I also know how wonderful it is to have the washer and dryer on the level with the bedrooms. We did it a few years ago and never regretted that decision.
Welcome to Vinnyville, Carla. I know how much the grandbabies rule our lives. i get to spend the day with mine tomorrow. Yay!
Gotta run, hugs to all my Peeps.
HiI decided to drive up with my sister last week. We left on Thursday and got to Chicago on Sunday night. I sure was ready to get here and have Vinnue in my tired arns!!! I hate being a passenger!!! I like doing the Drivung!!!
I'm here till May 12th. Then I board a plane back.
We are driving back May 24th for probabky three weeks. Our kids are moving to a bigger apartment in Skokie and want to use our Expedition.
I'll get more Vinnie tine!!!
Hello Everyone!
I feel like a stranger! I am finally getting back on here. I cannot believe how hectic everything has been. Time is just flying by. I come home from work every night absolutely drained. I spend the weekends trying to store up energy to get back into the work week. We have had so many changes it makes your head spin. At the beginning of April, they took all of the dedicated accounts and trained us to handle all of them. So we no longer work on specific accounts. I originally had only about 150 accounts that I had to know the ins and outs of now it is in the thousands on top of our general accounts. The dedicated accounts demand special handling and instructions for each account.
Then as if that was not enough, at the end of April, they scrapped our whole CRM computer system that managed all of our data and went back into the dark ages and we now have a totally different type of program to bring up account information and half of the information no longer populates automatically and we have to bring it up manually through various systems. This means it takes longer to handle each call. The first day the new system was in place was on a Friday and I spent the day in tears and then the weekend in bed having a breakdown. I thought I was not going to be able to finish my job or take the new one and had no idea what I was going to do. I was so scared and miserable.
Now, there is light at the end of the tunnel. The system is getting easier to work. Still takes longer but is doable. I am no longer in a panic. They have added a few things to make it a little easier such as no longer automatically going to the next call unless I put myself on hold within 10 seconds of the caller hanging up. (That was a nightmare!)
Then on the home front Rick decided it was time to rearrange everything in anticipation of me working from home and started tearing up the home and that first horrible day I came home to a pile of boxes to go through of things to sort out. Of course, I dont start working from home for 3 more months but he feels it has to be done NOW! UGH! I finally got it through his head that we have time.
He did want to get the washer and dryer moved up from the basement and we have done that. It was fairly expensive by the time we paid for a plumber to come and add gas and water lines and someone to move the washer and dryer, but it will be nice to have it on the main level since neither of us are very mobile in going up and down the stairs.
Gizzy in the meantime is becoming a teenage BRAT. He is our new great escape artist. We have discovered that he is not learning anything as he goes out and makes friends, they discover his info on his collar, call us and we come and give him a ride home. So he gets to meet people, have a romp outside, and gets a car ride! To him, this is fun. We dont know if he can even find his way home. Claude, on the other hand is so reliable, we know if he escapes, he will be home in 3 hours unless it rains or is cold then he will be home sooner. You can almost set a timer for him. The rest are very happy to stay inside.
So, some days, I may know what day it is and the rest of the time, I rely on the calendar to keep me on track and just hope for the best and hope I remember my name.
I do try to keep up with all of you and hope that things will calm down soon.
See you soon.
Cat Lady
Hello everyone
I was so busy today. I just now got the chance to jump on here.
I am not liking all this rain and according to Greg there is a chance for rain everyday for the next two least for now. This could change.
Tomorrow we are having a Cinco De Mayo party at work. So that should be fun.
Yesterday we walked around Geneva and went to this place and had gelato. I never had gelato. It was yummy. Then we went mini golfing. I am so bad at mini golfing. It's still fun. But my ball ended up in the water, the bushes, the ruff....everywhere but the hole. It was funny. We stopped keeping score because obviously I was going to a LOT!!!
We don't have a gas grill. We have a charcoal grill but Greg doesn't use charcoal he uses these wood chips and he uses a wand to light the no lighter fluid. I like it that way. I think it tastes better.
Well back to work...have a good rest of your day.
Sharon, we haven't seen the sun at all today. Had a nasty storm about 4:a.m., and it was raining until 9 or so. More rain is predicted.