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I stuck my head outdoors about 15 minutes ago and it is glorious. Meeting up with some financial people at 4pm. Thankfully we do not have to go any further away than our dining room as they are coming to us. Afterwards I hope to get outside for a short while.
Open RNY May 7
Hello Everyone
I had a very nice birthday. I actually started out working in the garden because it was the only time I knew it wasn't going to be raining (and I was available). I was able to get the mulch down. It was so hot and humid that day I was out there shoveling the mulch for about 90 mins and I was drenched with sweat. That was my workout!!! Then we went to Cheesecake Factory and I had my favorite turkey burger and my peanut butter chocolate cheesecake. Ooooo so yummy.
Yesterday I got a few of my projects I wanted to get done around the house done. There is only one major one left (in the house) and a few small ones.
Well this rain is now becoming more than just a pain in my butt. It is now costing me money. I am sure you saw the pictures on Facebook. We are having issues with our sump pump pluming. Not the sump pump it's self...but the piping leading out of the house....some how got disconnected. It has drained and pooled right next to the house and is water falling into the window well. It's a mess. I will know more later. I just know everything seemed fine before we started getting this non stop rain. Now we have a drainage issue and a plumbing issue. The basement is still dry...thank god. Well it was when I left this morning. It has been raining for 4 hours...that might have changed. And All that work and money in the garden is about to get washed away. Not to mention I'm about 2 feet away from being blocked from my main access road to work because the road is about to be flooded over. Ok I am done whining.
Today I am making taco salad and Greg is going to have some kind of dip. It's the Hawks game tonight. So if all goes well and there are no unforeseen disasters I will be watching the Hawks game with Greg tonight.
Time to go...stay dry and have a good day all
Happy belated B-day! We were up north with limited internet access. I saw your necklace and it is so cute.
Raining cats and dogs right now at about 4:30pm. Our corner is starting to flood. Been to the flower place. Got exactly just what I needed for under $20. I am downsizing planters and veggies. Only flowers this year and I am taking the veggie boxes out. I have no energy for them anymore - 'member I work full time and am pooped. So looking forward to Medicare. We also stopped and picked up some basics from the grocery store.
Off to watch the rain.
Open RNY May 7
Hi & good morning everyone,
It's raining cats & dogs out this morning. I guess we need the rain. Anyway, how's everyone doing? I've been so busy over the last two weeks or so doing my apartment, helped my aunt with with her animals in Arizona and take care of her place while she was here in Chicago for a few days, now I'm getting stuff ready this week and other stuff and done before my hernia surgery on June 19th and most likely be in the hospital for one night due to the size of my hernia. I got so much to do and I hope I have some down time in between today and the day before my surgery. I'll be meet up with my other aunt around 9:30 a.m this morning to do a some shopping.
I guess I better get going now since it's almost time to meet up with my aunt.
Have a great day everyone.
Highest Weight: 565 pounds (around 1999), Highest BMI: 94
Pre-op Weight: 476.40 pounds (2 weeks before {05/25/2010} VSG surgery), Pre-op BMI: 79.3
Lowest Weight: 153.5 pounds (as of 07/10/2013), Lowest BMI: 25.5
Current Weight: 350.75546 pounds (351 lb 0 oz./159.1 kilograms (as of 04/22/2019), Current BMI: 58.3
Hello everyone
Happy Friday all!!!!
Well I am glad I'm not the only one sick of this rain. I finally have a house and a yard to enjoy the outdoors and I feel like every weekend has been rained out. I am seriously thinking about doing a reverse rain dance here folks!!!
I want to say that since I have started trying ( I think back in April) I have lost 14lbs. So I lost the 6lbs I gained this Winter and 8 extra pounds. I am actually at a new low point...only 2lbs lower. BUT still the lowest!!! I haven't been this low since I was about 19-20 years old. Funny thing is I don't feel like I am getting skinnier. You would think a 14lb loss is something you could feel and see. But I don't. I feel like the same old me. Maybe because it was so gradual....almost 2 months. Or because I am tall. The one thing about being tall it takes a awhile before you can see any weight loss....but on the flip side I can gain and no one can tell. At least the scale is going down, down, down. It will go up up up tomorrow because I am having cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory!!!
Be careful on your trips girls. The weather is not travel friendly.
Have a good day all.
Good Morning Carla.
I was hoping for a nice say today too. Annette and I are leaving for Minn. at 11 this morning. I nees to get gas and do a few things before I go, including packing the car.
Oh well, it could be snow.
Have a safe trip home.
ok I'm sick of the rain!!!! It can stop any time!!!
My day is shot down today! We were supposed to go to the Botanic Gardens today but Noah's ark decided to be built!!! So I guess a trip to Ikea will be done! Vinnie needs a play toy organizer.
im going on my treat home tomorrow. I leave for Lansing Mi to pick up my little man dog at my sisters then on Sunday I'll start for home.
Talk on I need coffee!!!
Hi Carla and Friends,
Great tomato growing weather....🍅 The humidity, heat and rain are the perfect formula. The bunnies are eating my pepper plants......little monsters.
We have a young feral cat living under our deck. I see him every evening sunning himself in the yard. I am going to try and trap him and have him/her fixed. G thinks I'm nuts.
Crystal, congrats on the weight loss.
Be safe in your travels Lisa and Carla. Hugs to all.
Hi and good afternoon everyone,
I did have my pre-op appointment today and my appointment with Dr. Manning. All went good at the pre-op appointment, the person I saw didn't need to take any blood work (had it done about two weeks or so ago with Dr. Kushner), no EKG, no urine sample. The person took my vitales signs (came out great), listen to my hear (came out great), and took my weight and it came to 211.2 pounds (95.8 kg) which means that I lost 2.2 pounds from 213.4 pounds. My appointment with Dr. Manning went good too. He asked me a few questions about my left hip and I gave him the answers. He asked me How's the hip doing and how many days are you having pain during the week if any at all? and I told him it vary's each week about a two days a week. He told me if the pain gets to 4/5 days a week or more, let me know. if it's 3 to 4 days a week I can give a shot to deal with the pain.. The left hip replacement is on hold for now when until it gets to the point down the road at some point like 3 months, 6 months, or even a year or so from now once my left hip really acts up then I can let Dr. Manning know then I can get my surgery done on my left hip. At this point there's nothing to do with my hip at this point in time. The only surgery that I have is next week June 19th for my hernia. I'll get a call the day before on June 18th to let me know what time to come in to the hospital for the surgery time.Highest Weight: 565 pounds (around 1999), Highest BMI: 94
Pre-op Weight: 476.40 pounds (2 weeks before {05/25/2010} VSG surgery), Pre-op BMI: 79.3
Lowest Weight: 153.5 pounds (as of 07/10/2013), Lowest BMI: 25.5
Current Weight: 350.75546 pounds (351 lb 0 oz./159.1 kilograms (as of 04/22/2019), Current BMI: 58.3
One thing about a garden, there is always next year to add things. The nursery that I use, for every $100. spent before 6/15, they give you $25 back on ather purchase of $50 or more. So, I am looking for 2 more bushes this summer, and they are $30 apeice, so, they will only cst me 35 for the two, I think that is right.
Baking cookies to take to Mn. tomorrow. Maple bacon, out of the package. I will ice them with maple frosting. A special treat for Morgan.
Have a good day, hope the rain moves out.