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Nancy G.
on 10/10/15 7:56 pm - La Salle, IL
Topic: RE: Happy Saturday Roll Call

Hi Everyone

It has been a week from hell. Has it only been a week? It seems like a year ago that I took Rick to the hospital!

He is doing a little better. He is in Peoria at OSF The stroke doctor says that he is not as bad as a lot of stroke patients so he really lucked out if you want to say that. I guess we can thank our blessings no matter how small they seem right now. He has damage on his right side but they hope that it will not be permanent. Right now, he can not move his right arm or leg. He is having trouble controlling his bladder and has a very difficult time talking. Thankfully, his mind does not seem to be affected. His humor is still there as well as his *****!

They have done tests on his bladder and it is 96% functioning and he told me today that they have begun working with him to learn to recognize when he has to urinate.

His speech was a little better today when I first talked to him, but the longer that we talked, the worse it became. I am sure it was because it took a lot of effort.

He told me that they set up a therapy plan for him today. That is great! He sounded like he was on board with the plan!

They have told us that he will take between 4 - 6 weeks of rehab to be able to come home depending on his willingness to work. He really misses the cats so I am using them as motivation/bribery.

We are trying to find a nursing home for him around here that the VA will pay for. I am praying that our VA home has room for him or that the VA will pay for a regular home or otherwise they will have to transfer him to Hines up in Maywood. I'd like him closer to home.

I am going to see him tomorrow. I was with him all day yesterday.

Monday, Tues and Wed I spent with work trying to get my computer set up. It was only susposed to take 1 1/2 hours. So 3 days was a little much on my patience. I delayed my start date to Oct 23.

Otherwise I am spending my days trying to figure out which end is up. Still trying to set up my office. I am so overwhelmed with everything I feel like I am taking 1 step forward and 3 steps backward with everything I am doing. Rick did so much around the house and I am realizing just how much he did and how much I no longer can do. I have fallen twice this week. My new goal is to teach the cats to dial 911 as they are zero help in getting me off the ground. They just gather round and stare at me! Nice help!

It is just one day at a time.

Everyone take care!

    Cat Lady

Nancy G.
on 10/10/15 7:41 pm - La Salle, IL
Topic: RE: Good Friday Morning


You may want to invest in a wedge pillow. I have bought one. It really helps my breathing and for acid reflux! I love it and sleep much better. I often dont use a pillow with the wedge. Sounds strange but it works for me!

    Cat Lady

on 10/10/15 6:54 pm - Bradenton, FL
Topic: RE: Happy Saturday Roll Call

I have to go back in Monday and do the upper gi. I still had contrast from the ct scan on Tuesday. Surgery/ endoscopy is still set or Wednesday.

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crystal M.
on 10/10/15 6:20 pm - Joliet, IL
Topic: RE: Happy Saturday Roll Call

Hello everyone

I am late getting on here. I have been busy. I cleaned the whole house. I have been feeling so miserable this past week that I let the house work go. Since I have been feeling a little better today and I slept pretty good today I figured lets get to work.

Tomorrow I will be gone most of the day. So no relaxing.

Yes I wish Sharon would check in with us like she used to.

Well I gotta go hope every one had a nice Saturday.

on 10/10/15 8:18 am - IL
Topic: Happy Saturday Roll Call

Happy Saturday Everyone,

I hope everything went good yesterday Carla.

Crystal, My Monica is having allergy problems too. She is always stuffed up, her eyes running and her voice keeps cracking. I hope both of you find some relief.

Nancy, how are both of you doing?

Has anyone hear from Christine?

What about Sharon?

I need to go to the post office this morning and mail a Birthday present to my Cousin, and then stop at the bank and get Hubert some cash. That should take me less then 1/2 hour, then I want to do some stuff around the house. We will see.




crystal M.
on 10/9/15 10:22 am - Joliet, IL
Topic: RE: Good Friday Morning

Hello everyone

I am having a bad time sleeping right now. Every once in while I get extra tight. I am going through this tight phase right now. So the last two nights I feel a pressure in my chest and I have acid reflux. Last night I slept with 3 pillows...or tried to. It didn't wor****pt waking up and gagging and coughing. I bought some Pepcid and hopefully that will help. I only had this happen once before and it lasted a few nights and it was gone. Hopefully it will do the same thing.

So on top of the stuffiness I am having to deal with this and it is all I can do to get up in the morning. Once I get moving and out the door I feel better. I just want to feel unstuffed...I want to feel normal.

Today after work we are going to shop for Greg's mom's gift. Then we are going to get something to eat. That's it for me.

Tomorrow I have to bake a cake and clean. I think I will get some relaxing in there some where.

Carla- My fingers are crossed for you

Dawn- I need to go in for appointment also. Greg's insurance covers WLS I think it will cover follow up appointments. My old insurance didn't. So it was $250 and appointment.

Well time to go...come on 4pm!!!

on 10/9/15 7:39 am - Rock City, IL
Topic: RE: Good Friday Morning

Good morning Carla and the rest of Illinois!

Carla, I wish you luck on your procedure and hope it works out.

I think I will call my surgeon's office and get checked out too. I haven't been up there for a few years and I'm coming up on 9 years post op. I don't really feel much restriction and can eat and eat most days. It's kind of like before surgery. It seems that once I eat solid food, I just want to keep eating. Even if the food is solid protein. It's like I don't have an, "off switch". The effect is MUCH worse if I have carbs, but I understand that. Carbs have crept back into my diet and I need to get them gone. I just think maybe I should check if I am physically the same. Who knows what damage I may have done drinking as I did?

After work, I am attending the opening show of, "Rocky Horror Show" in Rockford. No picture/video, just live actors. My niece, who I don't see much of, is going with me. It should be lots of fun.

Tomorrow, Riley is coming out and I think we may catch up on some crafting and possibly head to a Rennisance Faire in New Glarus on Sunday.

Nancy......Is Rick home? What's happening there?

Where is Sharon?

Everyone have a great day!


Tell someone that you love them!

on 10/9/15 6:54 am - Bradenton, FL
Topic: Good Friday Morning

How is everyone doing this cool sunny morning.?

I have to be at Evanston Hospital at 11:00 for an Upper GI. I'm having an intense endoscopy to try to remove a mesh ball in my stoma on Wednesday. I have my doubts he can get it out this way! My Dr's in Florida tried twice! Maybe the third time is a charm!!

if not I'll have an open procedure!!

How is your day going?

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on 10/8/15 12:36 pm - griffith, IN
Topic: RE: Obesity Help National Conference

I will be attending. I'm from Chicago but live in Northwest Indiana.

crystal M.
on 10/8/15 8:06 am - Joliet, IL

Hello everyone

Not much going on today. It's a time to relax a little...after work

Yesterday I tried a new recipe for mac and cheese. It was really tasty. Greg grilled some chicken breasts and we had mac and cheese. Today...I have no idea what to make. Hmmmm.

Sunday we are all going out for Greg's mom's birthday. We are going to this Bohemian restaurant...I'm not happy with the menu. It is not my type of food at all. Blah. I will probably get a sandwich and fries (not much else for me to choose from). I wish a different restaurant was chosen.

Things on a regular day have been so slow at work...or I just get my work done so fast that I have half the day with nothing to do. I have been downloading books and reading them on my phone (the Kindle App). It makes the day go by faster.

Well time to get back to work. have a good day

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