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on 11/2/15 3:27 pm - IL
Topic: RE: Monday Roll Call

Yesterday and today just flew. Work is busy right now, and that is good.

Crystal, that was one of the main reasons I had my band removed. But, I will say i have issues with the bypass too. I am fine with chicken at supper, then it comes up the next time. It really doesn't matter what it is. Plus, no weight loss since May.

btw, your meatloaf is in the oven.

I need to finish a project tonight.




crystal M.
on 11/2/15 8:06 am - Joliet, IL
Topic: Monday Roll Call

Hello everyone

We are in for some great weather the next few days....probably the last of the season.

Well I going to break down and admit I am having problems with my band. I have always been so lucky with my band....no issues, I can eat whatever. But lately it has been an issue. Then about 3 weeks ago I started to have acid reflux. Fine...I started to take OTC medicine and that seemed to relieve the issues at night, along with elevating my head. Then this weekend it got worse. I have not been able to eat a meal without ending up in the bathroom throwing up. I have now put myself on liquids and hope this might relieve the situation. I am going to do liquids for two days and then soft foods and easy into regular food and see if that helps. If not or if I can't even tolerate soft foods I will have to go in to see if I slipped my band or something or get a slight unfill. I am not liking this at all. Funny thing is I feel completely fine till I try to eat and then BAM...so it's deceiving. I am thinking...Oh I feel great I can eat...NOPE!!! Just like now I feel fine. But I am eating jello for breakfast. I'm not going to get fooled by this "pretend" sense of well being. The good thing is that everything seems to be going down alright so far. So liquids are staying down. That's a good thing. I am really hoping I just inflamed something and it's swollen and needs a some time to heal. Greg of course is so worried.

Other than that issue everything else has been fine. And actually believe it or not my sinuses are better than they have been in months...lol.

Not much going on with me today. Because I can't eat much Greg is insisting on making his own dinner. He doesn't think I should have to.

We had a good amount of trick or treaters come through. Although, they knocked over 3 of our solar lights. One was completely smashed.

We had two Halloween parties. they were fun.

Well time to go...have a good day all.

crystal M.
on 10/31/15 9:17 am - Joliet, IL
Topic: RE: Rainy Saturday Roll Call

Hello everyone

Happy Halloween!!!!

I am relaxing my morning away. I spent the evening last nigh****ching scary movies. I am now watching Halloween...LOL.

Then tonight is the yucky food party...LOL. The only bummer is that it doesn't start till 7pm. I have to get up for church in the morning. So I said we are leaving at midnight no matter what...LOL

Nancy- coming from a family of CNAs that worked in various nursing homes and the consensus is that your loved ones get better care when you visit often. And when you do visit... visit at different times of the day. Because the more unscrupulous places will have your routine down and have him cleaned up and looking shiny for your regularly timed visit. If you come at different times then they don't know what to expect. They are forced to have him "family" ready at all times. Sad but this is true. This is why visiting your loved ones is so important.

Amanda's grandma will be going to rehab care soon too....hopefully. It's been 3 weeks now. They are slowly getting her off the respirator. One step at a time. The good thing is that there is such a big family...there will always be someone visiting. When I visited last week...she had over 10 people that day.

Well I am going to enjoy my movie now...have a good spooky day....

on 10/31/15 6:33 am - IL
Topic: Rainy Saturday Roll Call

Happy Halloween,

I feel so bad for the the little ghost and goblins that want to go trick or treating in our downtown district this morning.

For me, I didn't plan on going out today at all. I am still working in the back bedroom. the closet is done, but there is a fair amount of stuff I need to deal with. Maybe a big black plastic bag will be the best way to do it.

Nancy, when I worked from home some years ago, the boss said make sure you you are dressed, makeup on, and keep your business side away from your personal side. I still try to do that when I am working on the rental stuff we have.

Crystal, your costume sounds cute.

I am heading to the kitchen, so I can get some breakfast, then back to the bedroom and deal with the leftovers.

Hugs and try to stay dry if you do venture out.



Nancy G.
on 10/30/15 2:43 pm - La Salle, IL
Topic: RE: Foggy Friday Roll Call

Hello All!

Well I survived my first week at work! I think I spent most of it hanging out at the help desk waiting for my computer issues to be resolved. I began to think I was going to become a computer room pest lol. It seemed that every time I turned around another issue popped up. I did not think I would ever get everything resolved. It seems to be getting there though. Slowly but surely.

I must say it is strange working from home. The stess level is so low. It is amazing! It is nice and relaxing to be in your robe and home taking work calls. I have a dedicated office assistant. Gizmo has decided to take the job. He occupies the cat bed that is on the corner of my desk. He comes to work just after I start and stays the entire day sleeping. I get to listen to him purr or snore all day long.

Claude is really good. He waits until 3:30 and then comes and bugs me. The others wait until lunch or break time for their snuggles.

It is an adjustment in getting used to new equipment and the layout of everything. I am so used to the office equipment and desk set up. All of the sudden things are not where they usually are and that is strange. I dont like my keyboard and mouse so I am trying to adapt to those.

Rick had a small set back this week. He has been moved to a nursing home which is better but he has become severely dehydrated and is now back in the hospital. His electrolytes are really messed up. I have already had a confrontation with the nursing home over neglect. His bed sores are getting worse as they are not changing sheets fast enough or putting medicine on the bed sores. Also they keep loosing things that I take over to Rick Information is not being passed from one shift to another. It came to a head one night and I think they finally realized that they better start providing better care or they will be in trouble. This used to be a good nursing home but its ratings have gone down. I am not thrilled that he is there and I know I have to be alert for that reason so I am trying to stay on top of it and make them realize that they are not going to get away with neglect.

My entrapped nerves are still killing me. The 2 massages have helped a huge amount but I still hurt. I see the doctor Monday and cant wait to see what he says.

Lisa, you have an adventurous year with this being Morgan's senior year and all the exciting events that go with that. She is turning into a pretty young woman. It is so fun to watch them grow up.

Crystal, it is nice to see you so happy. Now if we can get those miserable ears and nose fixed, you will have the world by the hands!

Dawn, what fun you will have planning Dave's birthday party in such fancy surroundings! That is so exciting. Also a trip to go see Liv! You are going to have an exciting month

I pray for some quite time and sleep lol. I feel like I meet myself coming and going. Rick did so much around here. I did not realize just how much. I miss him. So do the "kids" I am exhausted trying to do everything plus take time to go spend with him every evening. I want to be with him but then things at home pile up. Not enough hours in the day.

Everyone have a great weekend!

    Cat Lady

crystal M.
on 10/30/15 9:39 am - Joliet, IL
Topic: RE: Foggy Friday Roll Call

Hello everyone

What a great Friday. We are having a Halloween party at work. I wore a Halloween shirt that says "if the broom fits ride it"....everyone loves it. And I have orange nails.

Tomorrow and Sunday I have Halloween parties to go to. The only complaint I have about the party Saturday at his sister's. This sounds weird but she always serves fancy food. It's just not my type of food. You wouldn't know it by Greg because he is so down to earth. But they grew up with money and you can tell with his sisters. Their taste in food and other things runs on the fancy end. I don't like fancy food. So I end up going to these parties and picking at the food. I mean who serves brie and caviar at a BBQ...LOL...blah. The last party I brought Pringles with me and munched on that all evening...I know how healthy is that. ...that is what I would eat all night. I think tomorrow I will bring some trailmix. It's not that I am obsessed with food but when everyone around you is enjoying food...you would like something to eat too. And how can I tell them I don't like their food.

Lisa- by the way...I put a whole sleeve of Ritz for every 1 1/2 lbs of meat.

Well time to get back to work. Have a nice Halloween Eve

on 10/30/15 5:23 am - IL
Topic: Foggy Friday Roll Call

TGIF, We have no plans for this weekend. It seems like it is feast or fame.

I have everything out of the guest room/Morgans room, the bedroom is a total mess. That will be cleaned up today, if nothing else in the house gets done. Sheets to be done in our bedroom, but if it doesn't, will do tomorrow.

Crystal, I will try your meatloaf with ritz crackers the next time I make one.

Dawn, enjoy the planning of Todd's party and enjoy your trip with the girls.




crystal M.
on 10/28/15 1:58 pm - Joliet, IL
Topic: RE: Wednesday Roll Call

Hello everyone

I have had another busy day at work. It's kinda nice...makes the day go by faster.

My meatloaf turned out great. My secret is I use Ritz crackers instead of bread crumbs. I think it gives it more flavor and the glaze on top is a mixture of catsup, brown sugar, mustard (the spice), salt and pepper. It tastes really good.

Today I am baking a buffalo chicken casserole. Another one of Greg's favorites. Next week I am actually going to try to make my own buffalo wings.

Anyway no big news going on over here.

Dawn- your husband's party sounds great.

Well time to go...for real. I have to go home...LOL

on 10/28/15 5:53 am - Rock City, IL
Topic: RE: Wednesday Roll Call

Good morning Lisa and the rest of Illinois!

Yes, I am happy that she got away relatively unscathed. I hope she understands the seriousness of the situation and stays away. Her biggest problem is that she is naive and wants to think everyone is good.

I DO have another piece of news. Todd turns 50 on December 5. We were talking about having a party for him. THEN, he remembered that the house his company owns can be used for events. So......we are having a lovely party in a 5 million dollar glass house. FANCY! I think we will have an "open house" in the late afternoon with no alcohol. Then, later on, he and his friends can party down if they wish. I have to have most things set before we leave for Thanksgiving, so I have to get working.

That's it for me.


Tell someone that you love them!

on 10/28/15 4:47 am - IL
Topic: Wednesday Roll Call

Good Morning,

Crystal, How did your meatloaf turn out? It is hard when your spouse needs to travel for work.

Dawn, I am so sorry to hear that Lib had that happen to her. Thank god she was able to get away from him.

Annette had a situation near that some years ago, but it was meeting a guy for coffee, and something told her to cancel. She ended up changing her phone number and doing some other stuff.

Nancy, how is the new job?

We have been super busy it seems. I will try to get on here, and I forget too. Me bad.

On my way out the door,




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