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crystal M.
on 5/18/14 9:18 pm - Joliet, IL
Topic: Monday Roll Call

Hello everyone

Mondays...ugh.  But I don't why I want the weekend here so badly.  Even with keeping myself busy and trying to plan stuff...I get lonely.  It is nice sleeping in and not going to work.  So I will still wish for my weekends.

I went to bed early yesterday and slept through till morning.   Must have needed the sleep.

Well I am not looking forward to this week at work.  No know my boss will be impossible and snotty like always.  Even though I came through for her and I don't deserve this treatment.  But they say the way some one treats you is a reflection them not you.  I am sure she will set some insane deadline again.  We shall see.

Time to get going...have a great day all







on 5/18/14 1:03 am - IL
Topic: RE: Sunday roll call

Good Morning.

What and where is Shabby Chic???? It sounds interesting.

Yesterday we went to our daughter Annettes for Morgans 16th. Itwas really nice to spend the afternoon with the family.

Today, I am doing the laundry, cleaning out one of the rods in my closet, putting away the suitcases from last week, and doing a few plantings in the yard. Also doing some ribs for dinner, starting them on the grill. I also need to figure out what I want to wear tomorrow night to a Mother Daughter Tea, in Bloomington. It will be work casual/to work  dressy dress.

In regaurd to yesterdays topic, I think everyone has a few hangups. That is what makes us, us.





crystal M.
on 5/18/14 12:29 am - Joliet, IL
Topic: RE: Sunday roll call

Hello Everyone

 It looks like it will be a beautiful day.

I got a lot done yesterday.  I guess in effort to keep my mind off other things.  I got my place cleaned and organized.  I bought these organizers for my dresser.  I went Goodwill in Plainfield (one of my favorite locations) and did well.  I went to Meijer and bought house plants and some flowers to brighten up my place.  I also got a White Sox shirt for the game I will going to at the end of the month.  I can't go and not wear a White Sox shirt!!!  Then I went to Whole Foods and Williams Sonoma. 

So you see Sharon I think I do too much shopping too.  Right now I shop to keep myself busy so I don't have to think about Chris.  If I'm out and about then I can keep my mind occupied.  I also have excuses.  Like I am buying all new kitchen stuff because Amanda needs kitchen stuff when she comes she will get my old stuff.  And of course I am replacing my bedroom stuff so it looks different...I guess so it won't be they same as it was when I was with Chris ( I know pathetic).  I think I use shopping as a way to keep my mind off Chris on the weekends.  


Well enough about him...grrr!!!!

Connie- I would go Shabby's so much more interesting.  Oh how much fun to decorate your shop!!!!

Today I am going to do some laundry and I need to iron my Summer clothes....I put it off long.  I hate ironing.  But when I pack away my Summer clothes they get all wrinkly.  And I am instituting my "make a nice dinner Sunday" again.  Back when I was single I never made nice dinners because it was just me...well I finally decided...who cares!!!  And started making myself nice dinners every Sunday.  So now that I am single again...I am doing it again!!!!  So what are you all doing today???

Have a wonderful Sunday...bye

crystal M.
on 5/18/14 12:26 am - Joliet, IL
birder I.
on 5/18/14 12:23 am - Rockford, IL
Topic: Sunday roll call

Good morning Illinoisans,

I'm tossing  between going to the Pec Thing which is antiques and shabby chic or going to Ikea to get some shelving. Which to do? I guess I'd better get on the phone and see if Ikea has in stock what I need. That might make the decision easier. I hate to drive I-90 since it's under construction, but maybe Sunday would be easier than a weekday. Decision, decisions!

I agree with Dawn's post on  FB "mistakes are just lessons". So true and yet sometimes hard to remember. Also, character defects are just tools that we used to survive, just like using Fisher-Price tools to build an adult bookshelf. We have to get adult tools and learn how to use them. the so-called defects are learning stages.

Have a good day--looks like an outside day for many!



birder I.
on 5/17/14 2:16 pm - Rockford, IL
Topic: RE: Saturday Roll Call

Hi again, I've done it with shopping, clearly with food, yarn and with fantasy. I received a huge amount of help from Overeaters Anonymous and even though I still overrate my way to surgery I never binged  again like I used to. I also gave up soap operas, romance novels and fantasy relationships ( like my own private soap opera in my head) through working the 12 steps. There are meetings of Shopaholics Anonymous in the Chicago area. I highly recommend working some 12step program. It's saved by life and my sanity. If you struggle with any of the concepts, message me and I'll share what I've learned in 33 years in program. 



on 5/17/14 4:21 am, edited 5/17/14 4:21 am - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12
Topic: RE: Saturday Roll Call

Lisa and Carla,

I love you. You are ikes sistas from another mother.





on 5/17/14 2:18 am - IL
Topic: RE: Saturday Roll Call

Sharon, you are not a hoarder! You take things to goodwill, you dispose of things. You have a reason to buy things.

I have at least 35 bath towels, 6 sets of sheets for 1 king size bed, I only have 1 set for each of the twin beds. I love buying different wine glasses, and dishes. As well as serving peieces. And I have enough jewelry making stuff and scrapebooking stuff to start my own shop. I guess what I am saying is we all buy to much stuff. I also go to the grocery store every week, for whatever. My mother did that too. Hers was because they grew up during the depression, mine, because she did it.





on 5/17/14 1:36 am - Bradenton, FL
Topic: RE: Saturday Roll Call

Sharin u and I should be twins! We r so much alike!!!!!!

image hosting site

on 5/17/14 12:16 am - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12
Topic: RE: Saturday Roll Call

Happy Sunny Saturday!

I was able to spend the day with the babies yesterday. Something that has been happening lately when I do this; I stay for about another 45 minutes to an hour after my son-in-law gets home and we sit and chat. Over the past 8 years our relationship has evolved from, "who the heck is this guy" to "friend". We seem to really like each other. That is an accomplishment. I say this with real love, because I love him like I birthed him. But to like him too is a lovely extra.

I am working on some issues that have kept me from God the way I need to be with Him.

Because i feel safe here and because I just need to finally say it to someone else besides myself; I shop for the wrong reasons to the point of it being an issue. I have always had issues with money. Personal issues. I think it goes back to the way my mom parented me in this regard. I tend to overbuy things.  I am like a binge drinker or binge eater only I do it with shopping. I go long periods and buy nothing and then all of a sudden I buy one type of thing constantly. At Christmas-time it was kitchen stuff; bowls, serving platters, green pans etc. Last fall it was decorating stuff for my kitchen. Recently it was magazines about gardening. I am ashamed of this. I also do this with food sometimes, or with books. I realize that these things then become too big for me to house in a normal fashion. (who needs 35 bath towels) so I put them in places I can find room for them and then forget about them. Recenlly my daughter told me she thinks I am a hoarder. I was horrified. Hoarder?????? Isnt that someone who has so much stuff that you cannot walk around in their house, or someone who cant use their house because its so full of junk? Isnt it a junk palace? If you walk in my house it doesnt look like the hoarder houses on TV. But then I started to pray and asked God to show me what is going on and I realized something. "I AM A HOARDER". I am working on this and know God will heal me. But the way I got to this point is not good and I need to deal with those issues. Hoarding is only a component to the real problem. I need to dig deep and figure out what that is. I believe it relates to my weight issues as well.  

G and I have discussed it and he seemed relieved that I brought it up. He has tendencies to keep lots of junk around and he knows he also has issues. We are hoping to deal with some of the common areas like the garage together. It overwhelms me to think of keeping everything to prepare for a garage sale, I just take the stuff to goodwill.

G is at his dad's today so his mom could go out for the day. I am commited to doing something positive in regards to this hoarding issue. I've prayed about it, told you guys and now I am going to oragnize and deplete.

Thanks for listening my dear ones.






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