some of you may find this to be a repeat post but please bear with me, I am desperate . . .
I am almost 10 months out. I have lost 115 pounds, and am not complaining, in fact I have been screaming from the rooftops.
Now comes my problem. I have not lost a single pound in almost 4 months. I am stuck and I do not like it.
What kind of advice do you have? I exercise, and I exercise A LOT. I am wondering if I exercise to much. I do an hour at least 5 days a weeks. Most weeks it is 6 days a week and at least one or two of those days are closer to two hours. For example, today I did 45 minutes on the treadmill and then I went and did an hour and 15 minute step class. I make sure as soon as I get home from a workout to drink a protein drink (since protein is so important after a workout). I do not really increase my calories on workout days.
Am I working out to much and not increasing my calories so I am in starvation mode?
Any advise would be appreciated as I said I am shouting from the rooftops about how great my loss is to date i am thinking about jumping off that roof in frustration!
Thank you!!
First of all let me say, You are looking great!
Have you tried changing up your exercise program? Once you are in a routine for a while, your body gets used to it. If you chage it up for a few weeks, maybe your body will start loosing again. Are you loosing any inches at all? Also, how many calories are you taking in a day? Too many? Not enough? How bout your water? ARe you getting at least 85ozs a day?
I was having the problem you were and upped my water and protein and changed up my exercise and now have lost another 10lbs.
Good luck,