Ladies be aware when leaving home
had an incident this morning that made me think I should warn other women who have to leave their home early in the morning. I have to be at work at 5 a.m. so I usually leave home between 5:30 - 5:40 a.m. I always check over my balcony before I head down the stairs. This morning it was business as usual but just as I getting ready to back out of my parking spot, this female appears from nowhere at my passenger window and ask if I could give her and this man a ride to Alton. I told her she was already in Alton. She then said just drop them anywhere in Alton. I told her again she was already in Alton and to get away from my car. Then there was this man standing behine my car and he started shouting and cursing at me and telling her to "just get in the car." Luckily for me, I always lock my doors. As the man became more and more threatening and started saying he was not moving and they were going to get in the car. I put the car in reverse and hit the man and then the woman ran out of the way. I immediately drove to the police station to file a report. The officer there told me that I did the correct thing because they would have taken my car, money and possibly my life.
So, I just want to warn women leaving their homes early in the morning to 1), always lock your doors immediately after getting in. 2) always be aware of your surroundings. 3) Do not be afraid to do what you have to do to get away from the situation.
I thank God for the strength to do what I did. I also thank God for his protection and guidance.
Very smart move(s) on your part. It makes you wonder if they have been watching you for a while to see what your comings and goings have been? I think that in the future I would back into your parking place so you can make an even faster get away. I do not know if your homeless shelters stop taking in people at the end of April through September like ours do in DuPage county but they could possibly be homeless and are basically on the streets for the rest of the spring and summer and were looking for a crime of opportunity. Many other people probably leave their apartments or homes in your area at approximately the same time that you do. I am so glad that the Lord kept you safe and the cool head to handle your situation as you did. Yeah God!
Hi Marie
I am from Los Angeles. One thing I have learned is that if someone gets in the car with you that is threatening you, that you must put on your seat belt and wreck your car! Make sure you hit something that would not injure anybady else but the criminal in your car. Just remember that your life is more important that your car!

We had an incident here at my apartment complex of a man that brok into a lady's apartment and waited for her to get home. When she did get home, he raped her for 6 hours! I now carry my stun gun in my hand when going to my car at 5am, and when I get home from wor****il I know the coast is clear. I decided that if I ever walk in my house, and some guy is in there, I would use my stun gun where it counts! hehe
Melissa...I am actually in property mngt in Naperville and know the situation you spoke about. I have heard that there have been several issues at your property with robberies in apartments...that are on the upper floors. Seems to many people that there may be some internal issues there with staff or vendors. So definitely be careful! I have been at my place 9 years managing it and never have we had an apartment robbery. People always need to remember that anything can happen anywhere and to be alert of your surroundings. Even in Naperville where it is a highly rated city...things do happen...but people want to think it can't happen to them and of course not in Naperville.