Can someone please tell me why you have to ingest so much protein pre-op. I think I read somewhere something about the liver.
I've been trying to be on top of everything and things in order in anticipation of my pre-opp consult. I won't no surprises and no problems with a surgery date.
Any help would be helpful.
I dont know about ingesting protein for your liver. My doctor had me go on a two week diet before surgery to help shrink my liver so it is easier to do the operation with the liver smaller and less chance of your liver getting damaged.
As for the increase in protein, probably so you can start getting used to eating more protein and so your body gets a head start on the protein.
hope this helps love marie
No, I think that you are mixing something up here. Some doctors have a person go on a liquid diet 2 weeks before their surgery to shrink the liver. This is done if the person wants to go lap and not open. Because the doctor needs to get around the liver once inside with his instruments. If the liver is nicked and cut it can bleed and just get in the way of the being able be seen past it to view the surgical field of making the new stomach pouch and creating new connections for the intestional track.
Really, you do not have to be thinking of such things right now before your surgical preop appointment. Start thinking of the questions to ask the surgeon as far as complications, tests, preop diet and your life PO. Your doctor will lay out for you a time line of what s/he will want you to do before your surgery. All doctors are different and have different protocols. My doctor and my husband's doctor did not have us go on a liquid diet preop. We only had to go on clear liquids the day before surgery. Suggestion for you - purchase a couple of books that explain WLS and the life afterwards. You can get a couple of great ones here in the store on this site. There is one written by Dr Terry Simpson that is written in the lay person's language and one by Barbara Thompson that gives the patient's perspective. Both of them explain all the different types of surgeries etc.
Hi Lurnia ... I think I understand your question ... YES, a person can ingest TOO much protein (that's not much of a problem post-op since we don't absorb all of it) which can affect the liver and/or kidneys. I think, however, for a short period of time (vs. long-term) it shouldn't be a problem.
I'll try to find some references to that.