Early morning worrier
Good morning OH friends.I just had my consultation with Dr.Shayani and have an appt. with my family Dr. on Monday to get all my testing set up.Even though everything looks good for me to have my banding done,I`m still worried the insurance will find a reason to deny me.Has Medicaid denied anyone here for the Lap Band?If so why did they deny you if you don`t mind my asking?And another question.Dr.Shayani said he would not tell a person they "had"to quit smoking to be able to have this done.But it would be in the best intrest for the patient to quit because of the complications it can cause.I smoke.And I honestly have tried to quit since December and I`ve tried harder this time than I`ve ever tried in my life.But I just can`t
.(It has been a long,depressing grouchy 4 months
and I`m sorry but I am done trying to quit.Are there any smokers that have had WLS here?And if so,did smoking cause you any complications?Once my surgery has been scheduled,I`m going to start slacking off and try not to smoke for a cpl.weeks before.I`ll do the patch again I guess.
A friend of mine says I can`t quit cause it`s mind over matter.Well tell my body to quit giving me all the hell it is giving me and maybe I`ll believe that!!!Some people are legitimetly addicted and can not quit and I am one of them.I wish I`d never picked up that first one when I was younger.

Did you ask your doctor if his office has had anyone be denied by Medicaid for the band? I do not have any personal experience with them so I do not have an answer for you in that area just suggestions. Have you called them (Medicaid) to find out if they cover the band? Have you frequented the LapBand board and asked this question? Some of the bandsters may have suggestions for you also.
As far as your smoking - do you have someone that can be a "Stop Smoking Buddy"? Someone that will be gentle but firm and not condescending towards you. Someone that can help you stop and be there or on the phone for you when things get tough and you want to light up. I think your friend is correct, but only partially correct. It is an addiction not - totally mind over matter. If that were the case then obese persons would be able to stop our overeating. And from everything that I have heard and read the patch works but for some they need help on the mental end of it all, with a physc. doc or other specialist. My former neighbor had help in that she was hypnotized and she discussed the "whys" behind the reason she smoked. She was successful in the end. There are some persons that an quit cold turkey, but they must be the types that have very strong personalities to be able to do this and they are few and far between. Just like the persons that can successfully diet, loose weight and keep it off. I know of only one person that has done that, a good friend of my husband and me. She also quit smoking, did this all about 30+ years ago. But, she is one of those types that can talk herself into to doing something and then have the fortitude to stay with it.
I cannot think of anything else to suggest. Good luck. Chris
My husband complained of being cold all the time within about a month post-op. He is still cold all the time. I hate it because he turns the heat up in the car until I am suffocating! I still have to get out of the supermarket before I am done because I am sweating so bad....he freezes to death in there.(I also have mild shopping anxiety issues that make me sweaty). He comes in the bedroom after I am asleep and turns off my fan!
The Poopy-Doo-Doo Head!
I should make him sleep on my pillow after I have soaked it all the way through at night(menopausal night sweats have some bearing here)...then maybe he won't turn the fan off again!! Buwaaa--ha-ha-ha-ha!