How to pass this sentence???
Wow, congrats on having almost all of your preliminaries done!
I have the pulmonary function test scheduled for May 18 with follow-up at Dr. Batra's office on May 31. Since my cardiologist is married to my PCP(Dr. Dahr and Dr. Jeha at Clinic by the Sea), and I see the cardio doc every couple of months anyway, I can get that clearance any time. The psych clearance shouldn't be that difficult. I do think Dr. Batra will want a sleep study because of my history of snoring, a.m. headaches, daytime sleepiness, etc, etc. Still alot to get done but I remain optimistic.
Nice to hear that you're a neighbor! I am actually in Longneck. Maybe we can meet sometime. Good luck and keep me posted!
God Bless.