Consult with Dr. Shayani done.So far,so good

You will be in good hands. I had Dr. Shayani, he is wonderful. Just remember do as he says. Smoking shouldnt be a problem, even though they always tell you that you have to quit. But, drinking may bother you , you arent suppose to drink while you eat, and if you drink , it will just go through as calories and you wont lose the weight. Good Luck
Hey Joannie,I was mainly referring to drinking alcahol.Because My dad puts on a big b-day bash every year and that`s about the only time I do any alcahol drinking.But he did talk about not having anything to drink for about an hour after you eat something.I usually have a drink sitting with my meal but don`t usually drink any of it till I`m done eating.It will be hard not to drink anything for an hour after but it`s something I will have to get used to I guess.But thanks for your reply,and I really do like Dr.Shayani so far.My aunt n law had her lap banding done by him and she says he is very attentive with his patients.