I am doing research for a...
I am doing research for a college paper on obesity. As I am obese, I am very interested in your input. One of the aspects I am looking at about obestiy is if being molested in childhood has anything to do with becoming obese. As I was molested by a neighbor boy when I was 5 or 6, and it was about this time I started putting on my weight. I wonder if maybe this was a defense mechanism; thinking that if I am fat and unattractive, maybe this will never happen again. And because of this I have been overweight all my life. I would very much appreciate any thought or facts that you may have on this subject.
I think there may be a link. It seems that many, if not most off the overweight women I know had an experience of being sexually abused. But I don't know if there is any "proof" of the link.
At a Seminar I went to a while ago on sexual abuse I learned that 1 in 4 women is sexually abused or raped by the age of 18.
1 out of 3 Americans is over weight.
Is the abuse causitive of the over weight? Or is the over weight a result of genetics and/or lifestyle? Is it a coincidental overlap because so many people have had the similar experience?
I know that my fat felt like a protective armor, and shedding that protection has sometimes felt threatening, especially in the face of dealing with different reactions of men I meet. before I was pretty well invisible, now I am not and Men will flirt. it is very confusing sometimes I don't know what I am feeling. Combination of flattered, scared, and if there is any attraction back - guilt.