April is autism awareness month
As a mother of a child with autism I just wanted to let everyone know about april and also build a bear has a special bear in april that the proceeds go to to autism reasearch.
1 in 166 children is diagnosed with autism.
A new case is diagnosed almost every 20 minutes.
More children will be diagnosed with Autism this year then cancer aids and diabetes combined.
there is no cure for autism.
Good job spreading the word. As a special education teacher I applaud you and the work that so many families do. I have students all over the spectrum with autism. They are all so unique and such a delight. I will go to a Build a Bear store over spring break. I am not sure why but there is an epidemic in autism. Perhaps we can diagnose better now. It is hard to say. But regardless awareness is needed everywhere.
thank you so much... I personally believe it was from my sons vaccines that did have the thermosil in it. even though the FDA will not say that is what happened their were 2 states that banned it in their vaccines and in one year the rate decreased 30 percent. just think about it back 13 years it was 1 in 10,000 now it is 1 in 166 will get autism. Now think about how many more vaccines our kids have to take compared to when we were in school. It makes me sick to think this could be prevented. have a great day!! And most of all thank you for being a teacher better yet a special ed....It takes a special person with a big heart to teach, It takes an angel on earth to teach children with special needs...I thank you!!!!!!!!