:help: Can Someone help with fish???
I was never one to really eat fish prior to my Lap Band surgery other than the occasional tuna or the bad fried fish that I can't eat now. And I'm getting tired of tuna and grilled chicken .. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to properly cook fish to where it taste good yet is fairly simple to make... I tried to bake some white fish the other night and my cat wouldn't even eat it so it had to be pretty darn bad ...
Thanks in advance ..
Caseyville, IL
I get Talapia from Super Wal-Mart. It comes in a big box in the frozen food section. They are individually frozen, in their own little packages. I have flat grill to make pancaked on that i cook it on. I thaw the fish out and spray my pan with Pam and use a medium high heat and then lay the fish on the pan and sprinkle it with lemon pepper seasoning or seasoned salt. the trick is not to turn it alot of times. Cook it on one side till it is done half way through (3-4 minutes) then flip and cook another (2-3 minutes). just cook till done. fish will be tender and juicy. i also get orange roughy from Aldi's and i wrap it in a piece of aluminum foil and spray it with i cant believe its not butter and then use the lemon pepper seasoning and bake it for 10 minutes on 350. hope this helps.
Tamara 321/215/150
the number one most important is to start with fish that is of the highest quality, very fresh. When I buy fresh fish, I ask to smell it before They wrap it up. it must not smell like fish. The only smell should be a fresh Ocean smell. Go to a good store and ask for sushi quality fish if they have it,
I love fresh salmon. my favorite is simple. I just spray a non stick skillet w/ pam, or if I am splurging melt a little butter in it, salt and pepper the fish and put it in the very hot skillet skin side down ( it stays more moist if you leave on the skin. ) Cook it til the skin is crspy and the fish looks opaque about halfway thru Probably no more than 5-6 minutes. Turn the fish and cook another 3-4 minutes. I find it is better to slightly under cook it as it will continue to cook for a minute or two after you take it out of the skillet.
good with a slice of lemon squeezed over.
another favorite is to bake it. My whole family loves this. I take nice fillets and top them with salsa, sprinkle the top with shredded mexican cheese blend and bake at 375 for 15 - 20 minutes. We like it with yellow rice and black beans, I buy the Vigo or Goya yellow rice and cook it according to the package directions. for the black beans I sautee some onion and green pepper, a little jalpeno if you are brave and add a can of black beans and heat thru, and serve on top of the rice.
Over cooking fish will always taste bad.
Try getting Orange Roughy (mild), scrod, or cod. You can bake it with lemon pepper, tarragon, any spice you like. Broiling is good too. Or bake it on the grill rapped in foil. Fish cooks fast 10-20 min. or it becomes dry. Try some molly mc butter on it too. It's great. I myself cannot eat any fish out of a can. Then there is always shrimp too. 14 gm of protein for 3 oz. Yummy. I make a light ****tail sauce and shake the sauce off it when I eat it. Use spices and your imagination.
Barb S.