Evanston Northwestern Healthcenter
I did not have a chance to give a Heart Felt THANK YOU
2 my Surgeon Dr. Constantine FRANTZIDES and the ENTIRE staff at Evanston Northwestern Healthcenter.
They were there day and night to help answer any pre-op questions that I had, they made me feel that NO question was a silly one. They encouraged me to call and ask questions and I love them for putting my mind at ease and knowing I had made the BEST choice in Surgeon & Hospital. :junp:
Thanks 4 everything!!!!!

Hi Vicki,
I am new to this site and saw that you had Dr. Frantzides as your surgeon. I have a consult with another doctor, but after reading all the patient reviews on him I was thinking of switching. I like that he is so for the lap instead of open. What insurance do you have and how long did it take to get the approval? How were all his pre op tests? Was he good with pain management......and the nursing staff at Evanston Hosp? What are the visiting rules there.....I just wonder if my husband would be able to stay the night with me there.....we live pretty far. Anyways, congrats and good-luck with your new life! Hugs....Mandy
Hey Mandy,
Dr.Frantzides and the staff at Evanston Northwestern Hlthcntr are WORLD CLASS. I am sure they will make accomendation for your hubby to stay with you. I have United Health care and I was approved 1st try and within a week of so of them receiving the info from Dr. Frantzides. There was very little pain but, I had access to MORPHINE which I hardly bugged the nurses about administrating. I was home in 2-1/2 days. The pre op testing was ok...I do not live close to Evanston and wanted to have tasting done at locations close to my home but, I found the hospitals to be very difficult to work with because the work orders came from another hospital. So, in the end I made my appointments through Evanston Northwestern and everything went well from there. I made my appointments so that I could get 2-3 done in 1 day versus going back and forth everyday....Good Luck to you.
I am also a patient of Dr Frantizides and agree that he and ENH are world class, top notch, A+, the best. I was in and out in 36 hours. All the rooms at Evanston are private so your husband could probably spend the night. Pain management was spot on - during and after I was home. Nursing staff was B+ but Dr F is very concerned that his patients are well taken care of and makes it clear the standard. I highly recommend him and that hospital. Feel free to write if you have any other questions.
Warm regards,