Need Help Please!!!
I am sorry that this is not WLS related but I am looking for advice from my friends and I consider you all my friends.I have a committee meeting today and I need some more suggestions on things we can do for the kids that are free,fun and don't need transportation,or ay least low cost idea's.Also I could use some more idea's on profitable fundraiser's that don't cost much to set up!!!Thankyou all for your help!!!

what about a dance or a sock hop or something like that. And me and my husband where disscussing this a while ago why not sell candy. It is cheaper then thoes stupid book of overprice junk and they sell fast. People will buy a candy bar faster then wrapping paper. You can even buy it at sams club and make money that way or try google for candy fundraiser.
Are you talking about school kids?
One of the popular fundraisers we have used is a "basket raffle". We gave each grade a theme, like gardening, "kids in the kitchen", sports, movies, etc....
We sent home flyers asking paraents to donate something that fit in with the theme, or $1-$2 each.
You group all of the stuff together, then sell chances for $1.00 each, or 6 for $5.00.
It is an inexpensive fundraiser, and we have made lots of money on them.
Just another idea.......