Home; RNY on Feb 3rd.
Hello everyone. The RNY lap surgery went extrememely well at Rush in Chicago. Dr. Madura was fantastic. Stayed a little longer because little problems, nothing major. Being 54 needed a little more time to mend.
I would like to thank a special member Midge R. for being here for me and giving me some good doses of "reality". This surgery is hard, and I questioned myself about even having it done for 3 days. I ALMOST asked to go back to OR and have everything put back in place. As if? By thursday and being 6 days post op I was ready to fly out of the hospital. Feel great, now I did the right thing. To all of those who prayed for me, I cannot express the gratitute for your thoughts. For it was those prayers that did help me get over those first few humps and days. Dawn please keep trying to get this done, I will keep in close touch with you.
Barb S.