I just found out that I was denied AGAIN from BCBS. As some of you know, I did my 12 month diet with a doctor in WI, since I had a HMO in WI at the time. He had me report to him weekly. BCBS is saying that he did not supervise the diet. My doctor wrote them 2 letters saying that he supervised the diet. They then said that it was not supervised, since it was online. I told them that their policy says nothing about having to actually physically see the doctor each month. The lasy I spoke to agreed that it is not in their policy, and is going to talk to her supervisor for me. (I am not holding my breath).
In the meantime, I just filed a complaint with the IL Dept of insurance. I also want to look into getting a lawyer. Does anyone know of a good lawyer to work on my case? I don't have much money, so I would need someone flexible about payment plans.
I am very sorry to hear about your denial. I would call 1-800-lawyers and maybe they can help you. I have heard good things about their service. You might even find them on line perhaps at www.Lawyers.com I wish you the very best in your situation
best regards
jim mason
I would suggest www.obesitylawyers.com
He actualy had the surgery and his firm has a 90% success rate.
I was denied about 12 months ago and I am now finishing my 12 month supervised diet.
I am going to hire them from the start this time.
Check out his web site.
Good Luck