Info Please
I am trying to get WLS because of several factors all affecting the way I move and my weight! I am on Illinois Public Aid and need to find a place where they take it so I can get this done ASAP. I have about one year left with my back in this condition caused by disc degenerative disease to walk and I am a nurse so I am not even working anymore it is so bad. My neurologist will not operate on me until I lose the weight so its either lose the weight or get used to a wheelchair! I also have hypertension and a touch of Type 2 Diabetes (stable now for 2 years). Any information is a plus. I have Dr. recommendations from all my Dr.s here and I am ready and waiting...............Any info is appreciated!!
Nicole here is my older list of surgeons who at the time took Public Aid some limit how many patients they take each month.. Good Luck
***New surgeon in Iowa Dr. Matt Glass**** Cedar Falls, IA 319-268-3994 getting IPA approval. If you call him and he has not received his IPA providership yet or they tell you NO they are not getting it please let me know so I can get him off this list. He's Tim's surgeon and Tim started out at 600lbs and was able to have it done Laproscopically.. HOW FANTASTIC IS THAT!!!!
Dr. Shayani In maywood.... he only does the Lap Band and he requires you to go to one support group meeting then will schedule a consult he moves pretty fast. 708-327-2899
Dr. Maillefer
Dekalb Clinic
217 Franklin Street
Dekalb, Illinois 60115
Dr. Oliphant in Urbana he moves slower you have to call his office for a packet fill it out send it back in and you'll hear from them for an appointment in a few months I think he's currently scheduling for January/February. 217-383-3240 RNY only
The surgeons at the COMP clinic at SIU they require a $260 up front to cover things that medicaid wont ??? and then 10-20 for nutritionist appointments and support group costs too. (217) 545-COMP Open RNY only
Dr. Frederick Tiesenga in River Forest. (708) 386-1078 He just started accepting public aid. To get into the consult with him you will have to go to an informational meeting and get a packet. In the packet will be papers for you to fill out. You will need an upper GI, Gallbladder U/S(If you still have it), Psych Eval, Sleep Study (IF NEEDED), nutritionist consult ($75 OOP) You also have to write an essay explaining how YOU think the surgery is and how it is going to go. You have to explain WHY you need the surgery. (This all gets sent to the insurance company) He is now doing only 2 IPA surgeries a month.
There's a surgeon in Bloomington Indiana that just got Illinois Public Aid providership. His name is Dr. Bradley Ray 812-330-9962 LAP Band Only
Psyc Eval _ you have to apply for a grant to pay for it, grant is based on income.
Georgeann Russell
708 763 2120
Mrs. Sparky Underware you are an angel........I have been searching for months now with no avail. I can't possibly tell you how happy this makes me. I believe that what you send out comes back to you times three so that makes some really wonderful stuff headed your way girl!!
Brightest Blessings!!
PS I will also let you know about that other Dr. after I call them all tomorrow!! And thank you ever so much for your kindness and time and consideration!!! You are an ANGEL!!
Hi there,
I am also on IDPA, and I am having the micro pouch RNY gastric bypass surgery on March 8,2006 at Ingalls hospital in Harvey , Illinois. I previously had the lapband surgery by Dr. Shayani in Maywood,Illinois. He is wonderful, it really all depends on how much weight you have to lose. I see you already have the number to Dr. Shayani, the number to the Cori Center in Harvey is 1-800-650-CORI . Let me know. Good luck. Joannie