Three Years Post-Op & Just Realizing I Have A Hernia!!!
Hello All,
Has anyone had one of these? It seems I have always had a cone-shaped profusion while lying in the bathtub. I have had to "burp" myself, and the whole digestion process has seemed painful. But I figured it all went with the surgery (I can take a lot of pain...I had a 10+ baby via VBAC!). Can anyone tell me what it was like to get it repaired? More on what it is? I had a routine pre-employment physical recently and a doctor at a clinic noticed it right away. She thinks I must have lifted something too heavy post-op. At that time I only had 2 weeks off before going back to teach preschool. Any info is helpful.
Is it an incisional hernia? And if it is they are very common when a person has any type of traditional surgery not only WLS. Get yourself into your regular doctor right away or if you can go directly to your surgeron that did your WLS ASAP because it needs to be fixed. You have to get it done before the intestine becomes entrapped in the muscle wall and you get a bowel blockage. That is what it sounds like is happening to you when you say you having problems with your digestion. The body's digestion process should never hurt, unless you have eaten way too much.
Hernia repair surgery is not that bad. For some you are only off of work a couple of weeks.