Need a little help plz
Can anyone reccomend a surgeon in S. Il. that will accept medicaid for wls? I live in Extreme S. Il. and traveling 400 miles to Chicago or surounding area is Not an option. In fact traveling is difficult as my wife works weird hours and I am responsible for picking kids up from school and babysitting. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
James, give your question a little time to be answered. There are some ladies that have the answer to your question because they have either utilized medicaid or are really familiar with the system. Aren't you not too far from Louisville? Would you be able to utilize an out of state doctor with medicaid? Sorry, I am a little ignorant on that system. Just give it time some will give you an answer. Chris
James I was on Medicaid when I had my surgery and I had to go to Chicago I do know there is a surgeon in Indiana Dr. Bradley Ray.. or Ray Bradley.. darn it!! but he does only the lap band. You can call surgeons in other states that are closer to you and ask them if they accept Illinois Public Aid.. many surrounding states do such as dr. ray in Indiana. Dr. Oliphant In Urbana (is that right girls?) accepts it and so does COMP clinic in Springfield.
I use to have a complete list on my profile but in a moment of dispair deleted it all.. I will see if I can find it and email it to you..
I think I called over 100 surgeons in Illinois/Indiana/Missouri/Kentucky
Good Luck..
Check out ALL the major teaching hospitals in a 100 mile radius. Then call and ask a lot of questions on this board. I would think you should get some responses. Remember the most important thing is a good Doctor, and a well equiped hospital. You could also take the Amtrak train into the city of Chicago. It's about 150 dollars round trip. I've always enjoyed the train ride.
Ther is a doctor down in Paducah Kentucky that is doing gastric bypass and I know a few ladies that have went to him and love him. They are doing great, also. I'm not sure of his name but I am sure someone on this site does. Good luck and never give up. It is worht all the extra work. God Bless your journey.
Thank you all for your quick responces they certainly helped alot. At the moment I'm leaning towards Dr. Ray in Bloomington IN. as I could stay with my grandparents just south of Indianapolis for a time and he'd be very close. I am also considering Dr. Throop in Evensville as that is only about 80 miles from here and not too far compared to many of the IL. surgeons that are 4-8 hours away. As soon as I have more info I'll let you all know, and again, THANKS!