Good Morning
Hows my friends this morning? So far so good this morning, My goal for today is to get some work done! Its 5am, I am a early morning person so thats when I like to get most of my paper work done. I won my own business so sometimes its hard to get myself going! There is no one there to yell at me to get it done! The clients don't care if there bill is a day late! But today I have to work on payroll, so thats never late, once I get stared I will be fine. My boyfriends family from Tx and California will be at our house this Wed for lunch. They have never been to our new house, I am serving a chicken salad, triscuits and cheese. Should I also make chicken and dumplins? Ok how about turkey and dumplings? Its a 1pm lunch. There will be 8 people.
This wk end is when my mom, sister and I are going to Branson for 3 days! We are so excited! We have never done anything like this together.
We went to my boyfriends parents house for his B day dinner last night, it went real well. I actually had 2 servings of roast. I am not much of a meat eater so I was happy I was able to eat. I always take a very small serving of meat then if I want I can get another, which is almost never!
OK time to get to work! No news from the Troy squatters! Our court date is Dec 8. I am hopeing that by next wk end they are out of my house! This is so stupid! Well stupid of me for lettin them move in rent free and stupid of them thinking they do not have to move out of my home that they have not paid 1 dime rent! No one can stay any place rent free! If you can then you need to let these squatters move in with you! ha ha See ya all lighter! Cyndi