Help Again
Well I am having a problem , Yesterday I was eat dinner and all was ok, Then about 2 hours later I started getting pain in my stomach which I think was heartburn and then I took some Zantac and it went away .. About 30 minutes later it came back worse and I drank a few sips of milk.And it was gone again. anyone know what this could be? I have only suffered from heartburn when i was pregnant with my first child 15 yrs ago. Since then never had a attack.. also I have no gallbladder.. Thanks Sandy
It sounds a little like you ate too fast or that you did not chew your food up enough. If you are still on liquids or semi liquids then it may be just plain ole hunger. These types of foods do not stay with you very long. What I would try doing is make sure that you have some protein in your tummy every couple of hours. This happened to my husband this early out also and as long as he kept some dense protein in his pouch he was not in pain. It eventually went away once he was on totally solid foods all the time. What might have been happening with the Zantac was that your tummy was producing a little bit of acid and it helped absorb it. Try eating the protein tho to stay a little full, you need it anyways for your nutrition and the health of your hair and nails.