pre-op test
does anyone on here who has dr. o know what pre-op tests that he requires. i have my sleep apnea test next friday and my support group in december but i was told nothing about pre-op test. i have been reading on the main message board about them having to do ekgs, MRI's,and other test. Please help me
Trisha Cleveland
my aunt had dr. o about 2 years ago and it took them only a month to get everything she had to get a psych eval, a private nutrition, and a group nutrition. a physical then they did surgery.
I so far have had to do a private nutrition, and a psych eval, they have not said anything else, I know it is hospital policy that everyone must have a physical before surgery. I have my psych eval on Nov 18. I had surgery scheduled in oct. but they cancelled it until psych eval. and I had to have a back surgery before, but that was because i had back problems.
good luck, marie
Trisha, what Doctor are you working with? I live in Fairview Heights too and have surgery scheduled for November 30th at DePaul Health Center in St. Louis. The surgeon is Dr. Roger DeLaTorre. If you'd like to call me at 628-8266 I'd be happy to chat with you. I'll be home this evening and most of the weekend. Terri Andrews