What is your goal today?
Well first I would like to Thankyou all for your thoughts and prayers I am feeling very well today and think I have finally kicked this Flu in the butt.Now on to my goals,well my house is not that messy because the kids went to thier Dad's yesterday and all I did was work at the sewing machine to finish my costume finally.So I have a couple of dishes to do,one load of laundry and to put clean clothes away.Then I want to get my costume all together and get myself all pshyced up for the Halloween party tonight we are having our Annual pub run and don't worry I will be good and we have a sober driver.So I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!
My goal is try to get threw this day with out all the morning sickness and bad headaches. I found out yesterday dad also cracked his hip and cant walk to i have to rotate taking care of him since i am off work right now. I have manage to eat a couple peice of candy and well every time i do i dont dump my blood sugar jumps very high i have a feeling i will be giving myself shots soon threw this pg.
Have a great day and a good weekend girl