Prayers Needed please
Hello all,
To start with the good news i am 5 weeks pg due 6.24.06 and i do have a cyst on my right ovary been in some pain. The reason i am asking for prayers in my boyfriend got put in hospital Sunday night. I found out this afternoon that my mom has 2 lumps on her left boob that dr's say appear to be breast cancer she refuses chemo or having her boob cut on. Then tonight about 9:30pm while sitting with my boyfriend at the hospital i get a call from mom my dad fell at work and had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance well before i say what happen just 3 weeks ago they found 95% and 85% blockage and put stints in and then he falls off an 18 wheeler he was working on tonight and broke his shoulder.. So enought of me whinning i just need some prayers for my family at this time so if you do belive in prayers please say them for my family..
Love all of you