Darlene C
Congrats Darlene!! I just read your profile... and your right... at the beginning it's like woah I'm going to have to think this much about what I'm eating for THE REST OF MY LIFE. You don't though, I mean you'll always have to watch what you can eat and in the beginning you'll have to read ingredients and nutrition labels all the time (and some after the beginning) but eventually it becomes second nature. It's just the way you are and it feels just as normal as driving through McDonalds used to. So I'm very excited for you.... good luck with everything!
Thanks Brooke, I can never get enough encouragement. Just now I was struggling with my liquid diet, trying to tell myself that sherbert and sorbert is the same thing, (knowing it isn't) lol. Your reply came at a good time, it has given me new strength. Thanks Darlene
P.S. To everyone out there, never underestimate, what a few words of encouragement can do for someone, in their time of weakness.