thank you for you support!! I made the best desicion for me!! I am going to do this with my family and if not I will look back into this just with the dr I want to have. When we reasearch for so long we can't just settle and that is not what I can do. But I thank you for seeing that my decision is just that. You are always so supportive of everyone here.
debbie too! thabnks you guys
you are the one who lives with your decisions and only you can decide what is right for you. If and when the right time comes you will do it.
I can understand the fear of leaving your kids with out a parent, I was the child whose father died when I was 4, He was in his early 30's when he died of a heart atttack from obesity, high cholesterol etc. It left a hole in my life that can never be repaired. even at 45 I wish he was here every day.
I had surgery 3 years ago today. I also feared leaving my family so much I had tears streaming down my face in the operating room as they were getting me ready for surgery. I looked at the anesthesiologist with the tears running down my face, I saw him look at me and inject some medicine into my IV and next thing I knew I was waking up and my belly hurt so bad.
I went into it knowing some people do die from WLS. However the risk of death is the same for ANY surgery when you are morbidly obese, If you need your appendix, gall bladder etc removed, as a morbidly obese person you face a high risk of death.
I wish you health and love.
I agree with you thanks for the warm wishes of health. I am sorry for your lose of your dad just reading that brought tears to my eyes. I just have to be ready mentally and I am not right now. I am on a new adventure getting fit with my family. I am actually excited to do it. making my kids apart of this and my husband is going to be fun and more time together. best of luck to everyone *****ads this. and I will still be around.
Let me start by saying that this woman (Dee) is one of the strongest, caring people I know. I met this wonderful woman I now call my most best friend in the entire world about 20 years ago at a park swinging on the swings, when I got stung by a bee and she offered to walk me home. Our sons are 10 weeks apart. Although we live almost 300 miles apart from each other now, we still remain just as close as we did when we were children. This is a person without a selfish bone in her body. Her children need her and love her. Her son is a precious gift from God, as well as her daughter but I think her son has an extra twinkle in his eye (right, Dee?) Nothing hurts her more than her weight, and the inability to do all the things she wants to do with her children because of her weight. I can relate because I too am over weight. Something happens to us strong women after we give birth...all of our strenghts, desires, and dreams get poured into our children and it is for that very reason that she chose not to have her surgery at this time. She is affraid of the worse case scenario...to those of you who are parents, can you blame her??? She's not done showing her children the world (are we ever?) and she'll be damned if someone else other than herself does! So, to those suggesting therapy to "find the underlying reason" doesn't know what it's like to love someone other than yourself more than life, or do you? Dee, I love you like a sister~
Your best friend in Chicago....Rach
thank you so much! I love you more than a sister. Sisters you are born to love. I choose you. You are my life line and my rock. You never cease to amaze me. I don't know where I would be if not for you always kicking me in the butt and keeping my wildness to a low roar. I love you more then pizza and portillos without a doubt! You will see I have hit rock bottom there is nowhere else to go but up. I have lived through being burned unloved and a childrens home...not to metion 2 c section and carpal tunnel in both hands. Why is it that the weight always was the hardest thing for me? Well it dosen't have a hold on me anymore. I promise you my oldest and best friend I will lose this weight I made a promise to a beautiful little girl that I would take her to the (big) pool next year and that is a promise I can't break. Besides there is a new Princess to be born on Nov 7th that I can't miss either. I am sure caludia will need her second mom as much as hope needs you. thanks for understanding why I had to cancel I know you were dissappointed in me when I told you and that killed me a little inside.. come on rach you know my mother in law i can't let her help raise my children they will be ruined!! anyways I love you have great day and kiss nathan for me and rub your belly and tell the sleeping angel in there I love her too.
In response to your feeling that I was disappointed, let me say that the jealous person inside me was, but the mother, and best friend in me thinks your being brave, and true to yourself in making this decision. I know you, when your ready your ready and anybody who gets in your way better watch out! You got me in your corner darlin, always have and always will...I am so very very proud of you!
Nathan sends his kisses, wants me to tell you he can write his name and can identify his numbers to 10! I gave Claudia a gentle rub on the belly and she kicked me back, so you know that she's got her Auntie's back too!!
We love you!