Hopes too High
Good morning everyone,
If you didn't see my last post which is just below, last week I had a consult with a dr. from Barix Clinic. That went well and both my husband and I were pleased. The lady I spoke with after the appointment told me I needed to find out who was primary for my insurance. I happen to be on Medicare (not by choice at age 38) because I am on disability because I have bipolar 1 disorder. I am also covered on my husbands insurance which is OSF HealthPlans. I called the insurance man yesterday to ask him which one came first and he said it is Medicare that is primary.
The reason being is the fact that my husbands place of employment is so small (less than 45 people). So I just now called the lady back @ Barix and told her the deal. She said that they've never dealt with Medicare before.
She told me she was going to do some research and see if she could come up with anything. I went and got my hopes up too HIGH and now I'm very down.
There's always got to be a wrench that gets tossed into the works. I'm not even mad...I'm very very sad right now. I was envisioning the future and what it would be like to be a "healthy" person again after all of these years of being soooo overweight. It just seems like I really don't have a chance here. STUPID disability!!! If you have to be on disability then you HAVE to also take the Medicare when it comes up. It's mandatory. For crying out loud. I did not ask for this disibility and I surely NEVER wanted to be on Medicare when I was in my 30's. They get you coming and going no matter what. You'd think that OSF HealthPlans would be the primary because it is so much better than Medicare. But noooo. Even the lady at Barix told me that if a person ever has Medicare that it becomes primary no matter what the deal is...secondary insurance or not. This is just CRAPTASTIC!! I've been praying for this for soooo long and was finally led to actually go to a consult, now what??
Can anyone
with any words of wisdom?? This just sickens me!!
I don't know what to do. I've been thinking and praying for this for so long. I've been searching and researching information about the surgery and weighing all the pros and cons about it. Now what do I do? My hopes have been dashed as I see it right now. Why would the State of Illinois want to help me get bypass surgery??
I just don't know what to do. I guess I'll just crawl back under the
where I came from. This has REALLY gotten me down all. Sorry to be sooooo blue.
Tammy...I haven't been accepted anywhere yet either, but I have a very promising consultation and psyche evaluation at CORI on the 8th. I, too, am on disability for bi-polar and my primary insurance is medicare (secondary is medicaid). I lost hope for awhile there too, but Anita at CORI kept calling until I finally agreed to a consult. I was losing hope because their clinic is located in Harvey, IL and I live in Springfield, IL with unreliable transportation. But now I am getting excited about the whole venture, plus another member here had a consultation at CORI a little over a week ago and she has medicaid and she says it sounds hopeful and she traveled much further than me for the consult. You really should check into CORI, the people are GREAT there! Just remember....there is no need to fear shadows because they only mean that there is light nearby!! Good luck and keep me posted!!
Hang In There. Try another center!!! Dr. Sydney Rohrscheib does not ask for this "BOGUS" cost. I have BC/BS of Illinois, was approved with no money up front.I know they do Medicare and Medicaide. He has great Surgical Statistics and Understanding Office Staff. He did my Lap Band, on 8/17/04. I am down 110 lbs. They hold a forum to EDUCTATE you about every choice and opportunity. The next one is 8/18/05 @ 6:30pm. I am the guest speaker. I will be there for your questions. I do not work, get discounts, or get paid for anything concerning these discussions. I am there to tell you about my experience and share my knowledge concerning the Lap Band. Call and make an appointment for the forum. 1-866-622-9222. Tell them Michelle Wade referred you. Make the call. It will be the MOST IMPORTANT PHONE CALL YOU EVER MAKE!! If you have any other questions (besides what I have written) email me at [email protected] & put Bariatric in the re: space, I will open it then.
CORI will have advertisement banner adds sometimes on this bulletin board area (top area below the OH links). In case you do not see them here is the link for the site http://www.weightlosssurgery.com/ CORI stands for Centers for Obesity Related Illness. Good luck Tammy, keep us posted on your progress. Smooches.
Dear Tammy:
Please look into Freeport Health Network. I know 3-4 people that have had the doctor there (I can't remember his name right now....) and are very happy with their outcomes.
I found the Barix Center to be more interested in my "business" than my health.
Just a thought....
Good luck to you,