Help pleases???????????
What I found out is that the medical card will not cover any psycholoigist, but it will cover 100% if you go to a psychiatrist. What I did is go to the main page of this site and go to find a profesional looked up IL pychaitrist and called a couple found one you took the medical card and had them do the eval. I don't remember which dr I saw and I can't find his #. I think his office was out of Shaumburg though, I went and saw him talked with him he typed out a letter while I was there and I faxed the letter to my dr. Good Luck
Ruth, I just had my psych eval last week with Doctor XU. It took about 5 minutes and he said your fine and called my surgeon and said shes approved what do you need from very painless and he takes the medical card...He is in Bourbonnaise, Illinois and is at the Behavioral health center. Just go into yahoo and search for him under his name...Any more??? Just ask...Good Luck...Tammy
Hang In There. Try another center!!! Dr. Sydney Rohrscheib does not ask for this "BOGUS" cost. I have BC/BS of Illinois, was approved with no money up front. He has done others w/ medical cards. He has great Surgical Statistics and Understanding Office Staff. He did my Lap Band, on 8/17/04. I am down 110 lbs. They hold a forum to EDUCTATE you about every choice and opportunity. The next one is 8/18/05 @ 6:30pm. I am the guest speaker. I will be there for your questions. I do not work, get discounts, or get paid for anything concerning these discussions. I am there to tell you about my experience and share my knowledge concerning the Lap Band. Call and make an appointment for the forum. 1-866-622-9222. Tell them Michelle Wade referred you. Make the call. It will be the MOST IMPORTANT PHONE CALL YOU EVER MAKE!! If you have any other questions (besides what I have written) email me at [email protected] & put Bariatric in the re: space, I will open it then.