Help shoulder pain!!!!
Help shoulder pain!!!!
I know this sounds crazy but since last night I've had insanely bad shoulder pain in my right arm to the point I can barely move. I had this one time before a few months right after my wls foe 3 days and we thought it was maybe a gas pocket. But out of no where last night it came back again. I have Prevacid 30mg. But please* can anyone suggest something here for me? Anyone else ever have pain like this? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
It's not a injury cause I have not donw anything.
It could really be anything.. from arthritis to having slept on it wrong to a cist on your shoulder cartiledge .. you don't need to have done anything strenuous to have developed pain from an injury.. just sleeping wrong on it over a period of time can cause an injury.
What kind of pain is it? Sharp? Stabbing? Dull? Throbbing? Does it hurt when you don't move it? Does it only hurt when you move it a certain way?
Prevacid is for stomach acid -- should do absolutely NOTHING for a pain in your shoulder, even if it's a gas bubble.
Best advice: Call your doctor and get in to see him/her! I don't trust any crazy pains that come "out of nowhere" since surgery.