Surgery Postponed 3 Months
Just found out that my surgery - scheduled for this coming Monday the 25th - has been postponed 60 - 90 days. On my surgeon's advice, I went to see a specialist in coagulation (blod clots). Due to recent family history (mother who died of an unexplained stroke and sister who had a pulmunary embolism following surgery) and some other risk factors normal for people of size like me (age, BMI, very small amount of swelling in the legs), he felt that the risk of clots were just too high and has postponed surgery.
In addition to that depressing news he ordered $2000+ in blood tests (which I'm not entirely sure my insurance will pay for). And, I have to wear compression hose for 60 - 90 days preop and may have to have medications as well!
Just feeling a bit sorry for myself. I'll snap out of it. I hope.
So depressed though because I was ready for the operation.
I am sorry to hear about your delay.I am sure it is very hard to wait.In the long run though you have a greater chance of being a very healthy post op!!!Your DR is good to take care of you.
Just as you are ready now you will be really ready when you have thiswls and a bit more wiser too
Have a great day and keep busy so the time goes by faster.
I can see how hard this is for you and you have every right to be bummed about it. I do think, however, that if you follow your doctors' advice, you will have a much improved surgical experience. Try to enjoy the summer and use the time to lose some weight, take vitamins, drink water, and exercise. It will all pay off.
Thanks Donna. I'm trying to make the best of it and do what I can to reduce my risk and be as healthy as possible. I plan on continuing diet and exercise program and not stressing out. Insurance approval would really help on the stress thing...
I'm sure you know that you get to a point where you are ready to go and it's very hard to stand down and not go. I'm doing the best I can to cope with it. Made a psych appt to try to keep working on things - including not getting surgery when I wanted to.
Thanks again everyone for the support and advice!
I keep trying to look at it as a life saving measure. My sister (who I'd hate if she weren't such a great person, drat! - you know 6'1" and a size 4, never had glasses or braces, beautiful inside and out) had a pulmonary embolism last summer following surgery at age 38 and my mom just died of a stroke (during or after a 10 1/2 hour brain surgery) that they could never find a source for, even with an autopsy. AND, as I keep telling myself the third time is not the charm!
Now I just have to figure out how to pay for all this blood work the coagulation guy (not Dr. F) ordered! By the way, I call him 'the coagulation guy' but he's actually an internationally recognized expert in the evaluation of clotting risk for surgical patients, a vascular surgeon, professor of surgery at the Northwestern medical school and a professor of biomechanical engineering at Northwestern. No slouch he. Quite a hoot though!!
Thanks for the suggestion. I actually asked 'the coagulation guy' about greenfield filters (lurking on AMOS for a year has taught me a thing or two) and he said that it would depend on my blood work since my BMI isn't above 50 (where one would automatically be required). But it sounds like a greenfield filter is a definite possibility - though he brushed off the discussion a bit when I got nervous about having a permanent filter implanted (he said the permanent ones are more effective than the temporary ones).
Did you have a greenfield filter?
I will do whatever he and Dr. F want me to. This is one of those things that Karen Thomas calls a thing you don't know that can kill you.
I really appreciate the advice - especially on something that can save your life.