Drs appointment
Hey guys! Just thought I'd give you all a holler and let ya'll know whats going on with me.
I had my 3 month drs appointment on Monday and all went pretty good.I had my labs drawn also, but wont know the results for a week or so.
My nutritionist said I'm doing pretty good protein wise and food choice wise. I NEVER thought I'd hear anyone say I'm making good food choices. That was too cool in itself..lol (little things thrill the crap out of me btw). She also said my protein intake was good from what she saw in my food journal. So I was also happy about that.
But the best part was that when they weighed me, I'm down to 335... that a loss of 65 lbs in 3 months. I was hoping for it to be more, but hell, i'll take it. I'm surely not going to complain thats for sure. So now my goal is to lose at least 35lbs or more by Sept 25. Thats the day my brother is getting married(I NEVER thought I'd see this day come) and I have that goal set in my mind, so I"ll be working my a$$ off for that one.
But thats the update on me, it'll probably be pretty quiet from me until I go back in October unless something major happens. So til then ya'll take care and be good!!
~ Lora