Bob Evans mom and angel checking in
Overnight complications....What a ride...Bob was doing great yesterday up walking around he also sat up for almost 6 hours yesterday. They had taken out his IV since a resident said he was tolerating fluids..At 10:30 last night he started running a raging fever of 101 that skyrocketed to 103 in less than an hour. His oxygen level was 69! HIs pulse rate was 130 etc. At the first sign of trouble the nurse called Dr. Rossi and than there was blood drawn also arterial blood to check for the oxygen level in his bloodstream. Chest x-rays they hooked his fluids back up with antibiotics and Dr. Rossi was in the hospital in less than 30 minutes.
He sat in the room with us and waited for the blood tests to come back the chest x-ray showed some pneumonia in his left lung and a spot on his right lung. Bob had been doing everything right. Spirometer walking deep breathing everything.....The Dr. was suspecting a leak in the rerouting or pneumonia was causing all the problems since he had respiratory distress in OR. He was going to wait till this morning and do more blood tests and wait for a fresh surgery crew to come on duty before rushing in and opening him back up to check. We called all the family to make sure they were ready to come over early in case of surgery...
Bob has an awesome support team, his girlfriend has been with him 24/7 and I have been there too. His grandparents & dad and our wonderful church family have all been there for BOB. Since I have had such a great bariatric surgery we just all assumed Bob would too. Well at 2 am this morning his fever was down and all of his vitals had improved. When Dr. Rossi came in this morning and saw Bob sitting in the chair and he had walked and was even having tummy rumblings of gas he decided to wait until noon and see if he was still progressing well. Now he seems to think it's basically pneumonia and we will be in the hospital a couple of extra days for antibiotic treatment which is just fine with us for sure!!! Once we get past the 48 hour mark of after surgery there are less chances for leaks after that time. Bob's color is good and he is not puny looking which would be the case of a leak in the bypass..
We are teasing Bob that when he passes gas that it will be a lime Jello fart!! He should have not been taken off of his fluids as early as he was since he could not consume the quantity of fluids needed until he was more alert and sipping more. The resident that ordered the IV removed relayed her opinion of tolerating fluids which differed from Dr. Rossi's.
I will tell you that Dr. Rossi stayed with us in Bobs room for over an hour waiting for all the tests to come back and he went over all of the options and what the problem could be. Awesome Dr *****ally cares....Bob was very scared about the prospect of being opened back up especially since he had the respiratory distress in OR..BUT he knew that it was better to be safe than sorry a leak could lead to death. Needless to say when Dr. Rossi said no surgery this morning we all cried tears of relief after a long night of praying. Bob knew from Obesity help that no matter what the complications are that 90% of all people who have this surgery and have complications would do it again in a heartbeat.
Well will keep you all posted, but Bob is a trooper and is doing much better and I thought he was trying to race around the nurses station this morning. Thank you for all your prayers and support..Bob loves and all the information that he has gotten from here.
Bob's Angel Mom Ramona
Thank you all for your prayers and support. Bob had an awesome day yesterday and did not develop a fever in the night.. He was up most of the day yesterday and he walked completely around the nurses station. In fact he walked like 6 or 7 times. His color is good---his pain is better and he is drinking alot more liquids than he was. We will see what happens when they take out his IV I DO NOT want to leave the hospital until his lung thing is cleared up, we live 2 hours away.
He is learning his full signal and also that he is not hungry which is one thing he was really worried about before surgery. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers, the power of prayer is awesome.