5 weeks Post op
I am getting along slowly here after 2 surgeries back to back .I am geting around the house with a walker and carying a wound vac machine on my shoulder Wound is healing good at this point But still has a way to go.I see my surgoen tomorrow My last weight in I dropped 43lbs So anxious to see tomorrow I am doing poorly with fluids cause the taste is awful I can't find a fluid that taste right to me except Sf popsicles I have diluted Crystal light Propel Ice water had to even get down. How long does that last where your tate is off. Foods aren't as bad Oatmeal, and yogurt, jello ,soup, Chili Mashed potatoes scrambled egg and baked potatoe this is all my diet consist ofI. I eat as much chicken as possible. I had a Chicken stir fry the other day I know thats pushing things But It was so good