PCP changed her mind about surgery
Well I had my followup appt with my PCP. I needed another letter from her confirming that I have been obese with comorbidities for at least 5 years so BCBS could give me the approval. I really figured this would be a total no-brainer. However, I was alittle concerned since I have been asking for this letter now for a month and still no response from her. So I figured make an appointment, pay the copay and confront her. Well apparently, she is having some serious reservations about this surgery and she doesnt want to give me her endorsement now. She feels that I need to be "patient" with my new meds and be more "disciplined and count calories" so I can lose weight. She even went to the extend of saying.."if you're so hell bent on having this surgery, why dont you wake up one morning, pretend that you had the surgery and just eat like you had the surgery"
My surgery is scheduled for July 12th. I feel so helpless, I don't know what to do. Other than this board and my surgeon, I have no support whatsoever.
Thanks Dawn.
I am just in total shock. I've been running around getting all these tests done, rearranging my schedule, trying to be proactive and just be totally educated on this surgery and make educated sound decisions..and I get this! I'm just afraid with this insurance (BCBS) I'm going to have to find a new PCP and start another 5 year history with this person to show evidence of necessity!
Hi Nancy,
Thanks for the advice. I've spent the last couple days trying to get the clinic to fax me a release form for my medical records. Hopefully, just showing a history of my weight all these years will be good enough for BCBS. Otherwise, I might have to start looking at other insurance companies as well. Our company also has Humana PPO. I read through their website and they don't look as involved with requirements like BCBS.
Now I just need to find a PCP that supports weight loss surgery!
thanks again,
You know, there are some stupid doctors out there, and I think you've got one. I agree that you should get another doctor. My doctor was opposed to the surgery because of the risks for a long time. Then, he had a couple of patients who had the surgery and had great results, so he was quite supportive when I told him about deciding to have the surgery. You deserve a supportive doctor. I asked a pediatrician who is a friend of mine if doctors were getting any better training in nutrition, dieting, and obesity. She said, "No, and it's a real mistake."
Hi Donna,
Well I guess I had an unlucky draw of doctors, because not only is my PCP not backing me up now, but my endocrinologist who is treating me for diabetes has joined the crusade to stop me from having this surgery. She doesnt want to discuss this option of surgery. Instead she wants me to be "patient" with the new round of meds (10) she is giving me. She claims most people lose weight eventually. She also states that by losing all this weight so rapidly, I will be in intense physical pain because this drastic change will send my immune system in an uproar. (I have also some autoimmune issues as well). Her motto too is..."suck it up, be patient,disicplined with counting calories and exercise".
Then..then...then.. a month ago, I went to my old therapist(also MD) for the psych eval. She ripped me into shreds about being selfish (i'm a single mom with 2 kids) and that I'm not thinking about the potential dangers and how it can affect the livelihood of my kids. She accused me of
"taking the easy way out".
Ill tell ya this has been one tough uphill battle to climb! I hope I can soon see some rainbow silhouette in the sky cause all i see lately is dark storm clouds!
thanks for your support!
Wow, I can't believe the doctors you are working with. You're a very strong person to be hearing all these negative messages and still be pursuing the surgery. Believe me, there are a lot of doctors and psychologists who are very supportive of this surgery. I can't think of a greater gift you could give your two kids than to have this surgery and be there for them for a long time. BTW, I am not losing weight that rapidly. I average 10 lbs a month which is just fine with me and I feel great. These people sound so misinformed. I can't believe an endocrinologist doesn't understand that this operation will CURE your diabetes. That alone is a great reason to go ahead.
Well, we have to find a new doctor for you. I see you live in Addison. I can recommend a good psychologist (Ph.D., not an M.D.). She has worked with about 10 people over extended periods of time who have had the surgery and is incredibly supportive. Her name is Bonnie Kallen and she is in Bloomingdale.
Kallen, Bonnie
1 Tiffany Point
Suite G
Bloomingdale, IL 60108
Bus: (630) 980-1400
There are a lot of things I could say about this surgery but I would never say it's "the easy way out." That's crap.
Thank you so much for the referral. Bloomingdale is right next door to me!
I ended up having to travel up to Highland Park for my psych eval. But I think i definitely need someone that I can lean on a professional level during this whole process. In the meantime, I will work on getting more educated on this surgery and keep forging ahead. Obviously, its probably a dead issue now for me to get all this approval before my July 12th date. So I figure worse comes to worse, I'll keep trying and shoot for the end of the year.
Thanks for all your input and support!
Please find a new doctor and forward your medical records...when my husband got a new job with new insurance which was bcbs hmo...I had to find a new doctor and was thinking the same thing it will take longer now and when I first went to see my new doctor and told her I was interested in the surgery, she wanted to try a few things first and all of a sudden I got a call from her office that I was approved for the surgery, I had no Idea she even requesed it from the insurance...My new doctor was a godsend....keep up hope and ask your surgen who he would recommend....Dawn L