~I'm up early lookin for ...
~I'm up early lookin for YA'LL!~
Good morning family,
It is a sunny early morning here in WBGV!! All is well.
My beautiful friend Melissa Mermaid has made me a beautiful page, to help me get to meet Dolly. Now I have heard of people everyday getting to meet their favorite celebrity and it CAN happen for me too. Here is the deal I need your help!!! I know that I love every single one of ya, and I give out (((((hugs))))) all day long, I try to give yall all I can. This is all I am asking in return go to the link and sign the petition. Then make it your goal to find 5 friends who will sign it too! Ok I know we all have to have 5 friends. If you find 50 woohoo we are
and hey if ya get 2 but ya tried I will still be happy now wont I???
Ok my beautiful people lets do this. Oh yea did I mention that I wil sneak in a plug for OH dot com if I do get to go on the show!! Yea I will do that! Somehow I will!!
and hugs
ooops I forgot to tell ya here is the link:and it is on my profile too near the top if ya ever need to send someone to it.
http://www petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?tlw2dp&1