Thank-you everyone
Looks like my fever has finally broken, I am staying in the 98.6 - 99.3 range. I actually slept not to bad last night. Today needs to be walk, walk walk and then walk some more so I can get my energy back, at this point I still have none. I am 5 days post op as you can see and I am already down 10.5 pounds. I know you are all going to say don't look at the scale so often, but I am a slave to the scale, I always have been and this surgery hasn't changed my brain so I know I will continue to be.
I just have to thank everyone for the love and support I have found on this board. I went through some really rough stuff the last few days, but with all your love here I am procaliming to be a Big LOSER.
Thanks and giant HUGS,