Help Needed in the way of clothes...
Hey there everyone. Sorry I've been so scarce but I moved and all know how that goes.
My mom is in a bad spot right now. She is down to an 18. She has ONE pair of nice pants that she can wear to work. She is so broke she had to walk to work today and ended up slipping on oil in the road and ripping the only pair of pants that she has.
So if you have any business/business casual clothing in an 18 that you would be willing to part with for cheap or free, please let me know. I'll come pick it up or pay for postage or trade ya for vitamist...anything.
I can't afford to be buying her a wardrobe but she really needs clothes for work.
Thanks and I'll come to update soon!!!!
I have some very nice clothes in Size 18 (I "grew" out of them, sniff) I have been keeping them because I just don't want to part with them. Even though I hope to have surgery and fit back into them, I think your mom's need is greater right now. (I know how it feels not to have money for clothes) I'm 5'9'' but the clothes are not tall or petitie. I live in Chicago. Email me at [email protected] if you are interested and we can work something out.