New here.. CORI Rant!!
Hi all! First day visiting and here I am ranting!!!
CORI (Center for Obesity Related Illness) has made me upset for the 3rd time.
1st: While layed-off (had time to undergo procedue and recover without effecting employment) I submitted info on their website and by phone..did not hear from them, so I had to call them to get more info!
2nd: My patient advocate assured me that I qualified for Lap-Band (had my heart set on it because it seemed perfect for my needs..short recovery time, just got a full time so a few days as opposed to weeks off would have been great). Well Blue Cross (Federal) doesnt cover Lap-Band. I was crushed and so was she (she's new so this was a misunderstanding)
3rd: Now I have to do an Open RNY. I scheduled a surgery date (less than two weeks from today) they must bump me from their schedule due to overbooking!!!!
-(pardon me)
I am willing to give them another chance but should I?
Should this be a sign to look elsewhere????????????!
Any suggestion are welcome!
Thanks for reading.

MIne was scheduled for the 6th of june and they called me and bumped me back to the 13th but they have guarnteed me that i am first on the OR list for the next round. I really have not had any problems with them but it is soemtimes hard to know who you need to speak to there but they are over all accomodating with answers and suggestions. I had already had day care planned and hotel arranged and ride there and we are 4 hours and 45 min away from there so it is a long drive but we managed to get it all worked out so i am set for the 13th of june and will get my pre op testing done on the 6th now. I wish you the best and hope all goes well. when is your surgery and is it in the Ingalls location?