plastic surgery
I haven't " seen" him about any plastic surgery (God knows it feels like I'll never get to that point), but he spoke at one of our support group meetings and he seemed really nice. He showed some pictures of differen't surgeries he had performed, it looked like he did real good work. Also one of the nurses at my support group said that he gets a lot of things approved pretty easily!! So, best of luck with everything!
Hello Sandy
I had my surgery 04/30/2001 so we are in the same boat. I had an appointment with Dr McAdoo 05/17/05. He is very nice. I have a hernia now, that is giving me a little pain, I need muscle repair and was clearing up a rash at that time so they took a picture of it and the rest of my body naked (smile) so I'm hoping I can get a TT out of it. He write a letter to the insurance company alone with the pictures and said he gets approvals alot. So I hoping he come thru for me. I call yesterday and the insurance dept at the Barix Clinic in Belvidere had just got my file so they're working on it. I'll keep you in formed.
bye for now JS